


Diabetic foot syndrome (SDS) is one of the most severe complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), and the treatment of such patients is one of the difficult tasks. Purpose: to present the epidemiological characteristics of SDS on the basis of the state register of SDS of the Perm region and to analyze the results of treatment of this category of patients in different departments of surgical profile. Evaluation of results of treatment was given on the basis of expert analysis of 150 case histories of the patients Patients were performed General clinical examination, microbiological examination of the wound content, rheovasography, angiography, duplex scanning, x-ray examination of the feet, the survey for the assessment of the risk of developing VTS. According to the register, SDS was registered in patients older than 18 years with type 2 diabetes in 4.4 % of cases. The prevalence of SDS and amputations correlated with the duration of type 2 diabetes. The average age of SDS development was 64.3±0.5 years. Inpatients belonged to the older age group, had long-term disease poorly compensated diabetes in combination with associated diseases. The average duration of the purulent-necrotic process was 1 month. Patients had an average risk of SDS according to the survey. In the specialized Department of vascular surgery, the effectiveness of treatment was higher, due to the level of diagnosis and the use of innovative surgical technologies. All of the above is a significant argument in favor of the development of specialized care for patients with diabetic foot syndrome.


T Demicheva

FGBOU VO "The Perm state medical university of a name of the academician E.A. Wagner" of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

614000, Petropavlovskaya str 26, Perm, Russia


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