


Reports of immediately and urgent interventions on the thyroid gland are rare. The aim of the study was to develop and put into practice the optimal tactics of treating patients with nodular tumors of the thyroid gland, which caused compression of the organs of the neck and mediastinum. From 1974 to 2015, 97 patients with thyroid disease were operated in the Endocrine Surgery Center, they was 0.57% of 29325 patients. All patients had symptoms of compression syndrome. All patients were divided into 2 groups. I group consist of 52 (31.1%) patient who underwent immediately surgical interventions. The second group included 115 (68.9%) patients operated for urgent indications. The mean age of patients operated for immediately reasons was 73.0 ± 1.39 year.The mean age of patients operated for urgent indications was 63.8 ± 1.51 year. Among the reasons that caused the compression syndrome, the differentiated cancer of the thyroid gland was observed in 79 (47.3%) cases. Benign thyroid diseases caused urgent surgical interventions in 88 (52.7%) patients. In our work, we first used the definition of the degree of tracheal constriction with spirography in 135 (80.84%) patients to identify the timing of surgery. In the course of emergency surgical interventions, radical operations were performed on 8 (22.9%) patients with differentiatedcancer of the thyroid gland, in cases of urgent interventions, this figure is 2 times more - 23 (52.3%) patients. The performance of urgent operations increases the possibility of radical surgical interventions, reducing the frequency of postoperative complications.


A Gostimskii

St. Peterburg State Pediatric Medical University of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia

A Romanchishen

St. Peterburg State Pediatric Medical University of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia

B Selikhanov

St. Peterburg State Pediatric Medical University of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia

O Lisovskii

St. Peterburg State Pediatric Medical University of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia


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版权所有 © Gostimskii A.V., Romanchishen A.F., Selikhanov B.A., Lisovskii O.V., 2019

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