


The results of the experimental study and the first results of the clinical use of krypton gas as a propulsive mass for inert-gas-enhanced monopolar plasma coagulation are discussed. A number of materials on preclinical testing of the original method of gas-plasma monopolar coagulation, obtained as a result of chronic experiments on pigs, are given. In the course of chronic experiments, standardized wounds were applied to the pig's liver, hemostasis and cholestasis were performed using gas-plasma monopolar coagulation using various inert gases and their mixtures used as propulsive mass. Interventions, sections of the liver parenchyma were subjected to gas-plasma exposure for various periods - from the first to the thirtieth days from the moment of exposure. The collected material was subjected to a morphological study, according to the results of analysis of which the nature of the course of the wound process was evaluated, the peculiarities of the morphological changes of the liver parenchyma at different time periods depending on the composition of the gas or gas mixture used as a propulsive mass. The results of the clinical use of krypton gas as a propulsive mass for gas-plasma coagulation are presented for the first time. The results of the use of kryptonoplasmic coagulation for hemostasis during laparoscopic cholecystectomy are considered. A comparative analysis of the nearest results of gas-plasma coagulation was performed in two groups of patients: using krypton and argon as the propulsive mass. For the first time, the issues of the possibility and experimental justification of using argot-krypton mixture as a propulsive mass for gas-plasma coagulation with the aim of reducing the cost of using this coagulation technique are considered.


A Golubev

Tver state medical university

170000 Sovetskaya St. 4 Tver, Russia

E Shepel

Tver regional clinical oncological clinic

170028, 15 years of October St. 51, Tver, Russia

S Sitkin

Tver state medical university

170000 Sovetskaya St. 4 Tver, Russia

A Eremeev

Tver state medical university

170000 Sovetskaya St. 4 Tver, Russia


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版权所有 © Golubev A.A., Shepel E.V., Sitkin S.I., Eremeev A.G., 2019

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