


The results of surgical antibacterial rehabilitation and drainage of liver abscess largely depend on the effectiveness of local action of drugs. A promising direction in experimental liver abscess surgery is the local application of laser and nanotechnology. - The goal is to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the combined use of low-intensity laser radiation and copper nanoparticles in the surgical treatment of liver abscesses. Material and methods. In an experiment on 80 laboratory rabbits, a classic liver abscess was modeled. According to the variant of local two-week treatment, the animals were divided into 4 groups of 20 each. Animals of the first group were given daily standard sanitation of the cavity with an antiseptic solution; in the second group, low-intensity laser irradiation was locally administered; animals of the third group, the cavity of the abscess was washed with a suspension of copper nanoparticles; in the fourth group of animals, treatment with a suspension of copper nanoparticles in combination with low-intensity laser irradiation was applied. Clinical, planimetric, microbiological, morphological and instrumental research methods were used to evaluate the results of treatment. Results and discussion. The best clinical indicators of general condition by the 9th day were observed in the treatment of animals of the fourth group. Due to the active stimulation of reparative processes, by the 7th day of treatment of animals of this group, no aspirate cultures from the growth abscess cavity were given, which made it possible to speed up the closure of the purulent cavity, which by the 21st day according to ultrasound planimetry, the abscess cavity of the liver was completely obliterated. Conclusion. Used clinical and instrumental methods of research are effective ways to assess the results of treatment of simulated purulent cavity of the liver. The combined surgical treatment of simulated liver abscesses with topical application of uniformly scattered LLLT and copper nanoparticles provides accelerated cleansing of the abscess cavity causative agent and complete obliteration of the abscess cavity.


V Alipov

V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Саратов, Россия

M Lebedev

V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Саратов, Россия

G Avanesyan

V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Саратов, Россия

A Musaelyan

V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Саратов, Россия

D Mustafaeva

V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Саратов, Россия

A Alipov

V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Саратов, Россия


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版权所有 © Alipov V.V., Lebedev M.S., Avanesyan G.A., Musaelyan A.G., Mustafaeva D.R., Alipov A.I., 2019

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