Techniques for dental implants positioning




The modern techniques for dental implants positioning are analyzed. It is established that the duration of dental implants functioning depends on the accuracy of their positioning. The peculiarities of the influence of the human factor on the results of the installation of dental implants are revealed. It is shown that the «free hand» technique is the most inaccurate method. The accuracy of mechanical devices leaves an imprint on the results of dental implantation. Overall, the improvement of implant positioning techniques went along the way of eliminating the negative influence of the human factor on the results of the operation. For this purpose, a few mechanical devices and methods were proposed to approximate the result of the operation to the preoperative plan. Thus, the development of methods for positioning dental implants has gone from the«free hand» technique to robotic systems. Dental navigation platforms evolved along the path of improving the design and increasing the accuracy of implant positioning. In recent years there has been a sharp slowdown in the development of dental navigation systems and an increasing number of applications of robotic systems for the installation of dental implants. At the same time, the role of the implantologist gradually fades into the background, giving way to the dominant role for robotic systems that exceed the accuracy of the positioning of dental implants. In general, the use of mechanical and robotic devices in dental implantation makes it possible to achieve the best result in comparison with the «free hand» technique.


A Ivashchenko

Инновационный стоматологический центр


A Yablokov

Самарский государственный медицинский университет


E Balandin

Медицинский университет «Реавиз»


V Tlustenko

Самарский государственный медицинский университет


Yu Antonyan

Стоматологическая поликлиника №2 Промышленного района



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版权所有 © Ivashchenko A.V., Yablokov A.E., Balandin E.I., Tlustenko V.P., Antonyan Y.E., 2018

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