Optimization of internal quality control system of health care for children needing rehabilitation after neuroinfections




The results of the implementation of a three-tier system of internal quality control of medical care for children in need of rehabilitation after neuroinfections are presented. In 2015, a three-tier internal control system was developed at the clinic of the Children’s Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases. The importance of introducing a new approach was determined by the severity of the patients at this clinic. The severity of the condition of children is due to the effects of neuroinfections. In addition, the quality of medical care is an essential element of improving the health care system in modern conditions. After the introduction of this system, the number of examinations carried out at the first level (heads of clinical departments) increased, at the second level (deputy chief physician for medical work and quality of medical care) decreased. The number of detected defects increased, but the quality factor of medical care turned out to be quite high and fell into the group of «insignificant deviations». The main defects are defects in filling in medical documentation and redundancy in laboratory and instrumental research. The leading position in the structure of defects is occupied by defects in filling in medical documentation with a specific weight of 32,4%. With the introduction of a new quality control system, the average length of stay of a patient in the rehabilitation department came close to the one prescribed in medical and economic standards. Revealed quite a large percentage of diagnostic studies that are not included in the medical and economic standards, that is, additional. This fact indicates the need to revise the medical and economic standards in the direction of expansion, taking into account the need. The third level of the internal control system is designed to assess the corrective actions taken as a result of audits at the first two levels of the internal control system. In general, the three-tier system has certainly improved the quality of care.


I Samoylova

Детский научно-клинический центр инфекционных болезней Федерального медико-биологического агентства

Email: klinika@niidi.ru


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