Method for determining the functional state of peripheral nerves after their restoration in an experiment




A simple method for assessing the functional state of peripheral nerves after performing experimental reconstructive-plastic interventions on laboratory animals has been developed. It is proposed to evaluate the functional state of the common peroneal nerve reconstructed in an experiment by comparing the amplitude of the animal’s toes spreading in the study of the unconditional statokinetic landing reflex. A reflex response to the preparation for landing from the pelvic limbs is manifested by flexion in hip joints, extension in knee joints, plantar flexion in hocks, and spreading of toes.Spreading of toes in rabbits is caused by the contraction of the external extensor of the toes innervated by the deep branch of the common peroneal nerve.If the conductivity of the common peroneal nerve is impaired, spreading of the toes on the side of the trauma fails to manifest.The advantages of the proposed test are: high speed set up and ease of implementation, as well as clear demonstration when comparing the operated and the intact limbs of the laboratory animal.


A Nisht

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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