Correlation matrix for revealing informative indicators of functional state estimation, anaerobic working capacity and physical readiness of highly qualified athletes




The possibility of revealing informative markers for assessing the functional state and special working capacity of highly skilled multihorts by means of correlation analysis is considered. It is established that the values of the relative and explosive strength of most muscle groups have prognostic significance as a criterion for their physical fitness. The priority of extensor musculature for achieving high sports results in athletics decathlon is proved. It was found that the parameters of the anaerobic threshold, determined by the heart rate, are more related to the athletic result than the anaerobic threshold values determined by the amount of oxygen consumed. Five groups of indicators were distinguished, which had a strong relationship with the athletic result in the decathlon. The first group included markers that characterize the aerobic capacity of the body: the relative level of maximum oxygen consumption, anaerobic threshold, pulmonary ventilation, respiratory coefficient and vital capacity of the lungs. The second group consisted of parameters reflecting the rate of recovery of aerobic capacity of the body within 2 minutes after the end of physical activity: heart rate, respiratory, oxygen consumption and pulmonary ventilation. The third group included the values of energy metabolism in the central, right and left temporal regions of the brain, where the higher centers of the motor and sensory systems are located, as well as the centers of the descending pyramidal tract responsible for performing arbitrary movements. The fourth group included indicators characterizing the background mental state, speed and accuracy of the attentional set-shifting, psycho-emotional stability. The fifth group consisted of parameters of the analysis of the heart rate, which reliably correlated with the sum of points in the decathlon.


T Brook

Смоленская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма


P Terekhov

Смоленская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма


A Nikolaev

Смоленская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма



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