Practice of information transparency introduction into supervisory actions over medicines turnover




The assessment of current transparency introduction practice by Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and its local authorities within implemented in Russia concept of federal executive authority’s transparency. Information data from official site of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and local authorities was studied. The correspondence between the outcomes of supervisory measures to protect the rights of legal entities and the principles of individual entrepreneurs under state supervision is analyzed. The information openness monitoring of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and its80 local authorities was performed. It is shown that the existing mechanisms (tools) of openness are not fully consistent with accepted in Russian principles, aims and objectives of transparency. The completeness, clarity and availability of information by Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and its local authorities about control and supervisory activities that are to be disclosed are not ensured. It is concluded that there are shortcomings in the procedure of forming the state information resource containing information about the results of verification activities conducted by Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and local authorities. It is still necessary to detail the mechanisms in the field of ensuring openness and transparency of the information provided in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and its local bodies.


F Bidarova

Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академия; Республиканский центр контроля качества и сертификации лекарственных средств; Пятигорский медико-фармацевтический институт

Владикавказ; Пятигорск


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