Clinical characteristics of different nationalities, who committed suicide attempts and were hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital




The clinical characteristics of persons of Talysh and Lezghin nationalities who committed suicide attempts and were hospitalized in this regard in a psychiatric hospital are analyzed. It was established that among the suicides of the Talysh nationalities the largest were the shares of people who had suicidal actions in response to severe stress and adaptation disorders, as well as organic mental disorders (32,4% each). Significantly less frequent were patients with personality and behavior disorders - 13,7% (χ2=8,96; p=0,003), schizophrenia, schizotypic and delusional disorders - 8,8% (χ2=15,86; p<0,001). Among the psychiatric disorders, the psychiatric hospital of the Lezghin nationality was dominated by organic mental disorders (27,7%) among suicidal patients. Less common were personality and behavioral disorders at a young age of18,5% (χ2=1,08; p=0,29); schizophrenia, schizotypic and delusional disorders - 15.4% (χ2=2,23; p=0,135) and psychiatric and psychiatric substance abuse disorders - 12,3% (χ2=3,89; p=0,048). Officers of the Talysh and Lezghin nationalities resorted to poisoning with equal frequency - 82,1 and 81,8%, less often - firearms - 13,4% (χ2=92,7; p<0,001) and 13,7% (χ2=89, 9; p<0,001); hanging - 4,5% (χ2=117,5; p<0,001). Talysh rank and file officers often chose hanging and poisoning- 42,9 and 40%; less often they caused gunshot injuries - 17,1% (χ2=4,35; p=0,036). Lezgin’s soldiers used gunshot wounds more often - 42,9%, less often poisoning - 33,3% (χ2=0,1; p=0,75) and hanging - 23,8% (χ2=0,32; p=0,96). In general, the incidence of suicides in mentally ill patients depends on the combination of the following factors: the prevalence rate of suicides in the general population; ethnicity of patients; level of organization and access to psychiatric care. Various combinations of these factors determine the prevalence of suicide among patients with mental disorders.


E Mekhtiyev

Главный военный клинический госпиталь Вооруженных сил Азербайджанской Республики


S Abbasova

Главный военный клинический госпиталь Вооруженных сил Азербайджанской Республики


O Kasimov

Центральная военно-врачебная комиссия Министерства обороны Азербайджанской Республики


K Dnov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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