Problems of rendering primary prosthetic and orthopedic help in the megapolis




On the basis of studying of statistical data, medical documents, results of the carried-out questioning in 2012-2015 the specific weight of the patients who have transferred amputation of the lower extremity owing to complications of diabetes and the obliterating diseases of vessels of the lower extremities, their distribution for the reason and level of amputating defects is estimated. Circulation periods of citizens on primary prosthetics of the lower extremities are studied and analysed. The problems of primary prosthetics connected with presence at patients of the accompanying pathology of the blood circulatory system, breath and the musculoskeletal device are designated. The prevalence of elderly people with amputating defects of the lower extremities is revealed. Features of prosthetics for elderly people, which have decreasing of weight-bearing on safe lower extremity, physical weakness, decreasing of the cognitive functions leading to difficulty of use of technical means of rehabilitation, decrease in learning ability to skills of use of artificial limbs is characteristic are specified. Problems of early rendering the prosthetic and orthopedic help and primary prosthetics of patients after amputation of the lower extremities in the megalopolis are considered. The new technology of early primary prosthetics of the lower extremities developed by specialists of Federal Scientific Center Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A. Albrecht is presented by express method. Results of introduction of modern techniques of prosthetics by express method and their value for rendering primary parotezno-ortopedicheskoyy the help in the megalopolis are discussed. This type of the help can be rendered before formation of the individual program of rehabilitation and an abilitation of disabled people in the conditions of the medical organizations when rendering out-patient and stationary medical care. Rendering early primary prosthetic and orthopedic help is feasible when healing a wound of a stump after amputation, lack of contraindications to prosthetics, high motivation of the patient. Advantages of this technology of early primary prosthetics by express method is restoration of ability of the patient to movement and self-service, decrease in dependence on assistance and leaving, prevention of emergence of some defects and diseases of a stump at uluchsheny the general condition of an organism.


V Suslyaev

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


O Vladimirova

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


A Sokurov

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


T Ermolenko

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


Yu Zhdanov

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


O Gorchaninov

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта



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版权所有 © Suslyaev V.G., Vladimirova O.N., Sokurov A.V., Ermolenko T.V., Zhdanov Y.I., Gorchaninov O.N., 2018

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