Morphological substantiation of clinical efficacy of platelet rich plasma in males with androgenic alopecia




Morphological substantiation of the clinical efficacy of platelets rich plasma was carried out in the treatment of 22 men with androgenetic alopecia from the 1st to the 4th stage according to the Norwood-Hamilton scale were included. All patients received intradermal injections of platelets rich plasma 0,15 ml per injection. The course of treatment consisted of 4 procedures with an interval of 4 weeks. Clinical efficacy was assessed by the dynamics of morphometric indices of hair growth. Histological examination was carried out on horizontal sections, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, the morphology of the hair was counted at four levels. Evaluation of morphometric growth parameters conducted before treatment and 4 months after the onset of it. It was established that the therapy of platelet-rich plasma has a pronounced clinical efficacy, consisting in a significant (p=0,00025) increase in hair density by 11% and average hair diameter by 10% (p=0,00766), a 14% decrease in the share of hair follicles (p=0,00959). Histologically, the increase in hair density was significant at the level of the bulb of the hair follicles by 148% (p=0,0034) and at the level of the sweat glands by 65% (p=0,0326), and also by the tendency to increase their number at the level of the sebaceous glands. This was combined with a significant decrease in the proportion of telogen hair at 47% (p=0,0153). Thus, the positive clinical effect of plasma-rich plasma therapy in men suffering from androgenetic alopecia is based on reliable morphofunctional changes in the hair follicles.


E Pakhomova

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


I Smirnova

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


I Telichko

Кожно-венерологический диспансер № 4



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版权所有 © Pakhomova E.E., Smirnova I.O., Telichko I.N., 2018

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