The Vasily Ilyich Kopanev contribution in the fundamental and practical training of aviation doctors (95th anniversary)




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The milestones of the life and creative path of one of the scientific school of aviation and space medicine’s heads are presented here, Vasily Ilyich Kopanev–doctor of medical sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Major-General of Medical Service. Professor V.I. Kopanev’s scientific and pedagogical activity is widely known for his studies of the psychophysiological features of flight specialists’ work and the search for ways to correct the functional state of the body. Vasily Ilyich studied the dynamics of the vestibular analyzer indicators under the Karyolis acceleration action. Priority developments of vestibular stability issues, and hidden forms of pilots and cosmonauts’ motion sickness are attributed to V.I. Kopanev. He made a significant contribution to the study of the psychophysiological features of long-range, military transport pilots’ work, as well as marine and helicopter aviation. The merit of V.I. Kopanev and his students’ work and study on the physiological mechanisms of adaptation to the conditions of weightlessness of cosmonauts is undeniable. Vasily Ilyich was a highly qualified pedagogue and organisator. He has an important role in the development of the structure-logical teaching scheme the academy’s aviation doctors and preparation of the list of practical skills and abilities that are subject to be worked off in teaching lessons. Under his leadership, the department of aviation and cosmic medicine shaped the air force’s faculty of training doctors. In education, he was paid considerable attention to the practical application of teaching and to the improvement of the department laboratory base in accordance with the requirements of everyday professional activities of aviation doctors. Under his leadership, the training base was reconstructed with the creation of thematic classrooms. With his fruitful research and pedagogical work, V.I. Kopanev made a significant contribution to the development of domestic aviation and space medicine, particularly in the formation of the Russian system of medical support for space flights.


Andrey Blaginin

Military Medical Academy of S.M. Kirov

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3820-5752
SPIN 代码: 2747-0146
Scopus 作者 ID: 6507088650

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Viktor Shabalin

Military Medical Academy of S.M. Kirov

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9226-3013
SPIN 代码: 8172-2001

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


  1. Komedantov GL, Kopanev VI. Ukachivanie kak problema kosmicheskoi meditsiny. Mediko-biologicheskie issledovaniya v nevesomosti. Moscow, 1968. P. 331–338. (In Russ.).
  2. Kopanev VI, Yuganov EM. Nekotorye rezultaty mediko-biologicheskikh issledovanii, vypolnennykh po programme «Dzhemeni» i «Appolon»: Izmenenie rabotosposobnosti kosmonavtov. Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Biological Series. 1974;(4):5–20. (In Russ.).
  3. Kopanev VI. Problema statokineticheskoi ustoichivosti cheloveka v aviatsionnoi i kosmicheskoi meditsine. Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Biological Series. 1974;(4):476–498. (In Russ.).
  4. Kopanev VI. Skrytaya forma ukachivaniya. Military Medical Journal. 1970;(10):62–64. (In Russ.).
  5. Kopanev VI. Chto dal ehksperiment? Aviatsiya i kosmonavtika. 1977;(3):12–13. (In Russ.).
  6. Kas'yan II, Kopanev VI, Yazdovskii VI. Nevesomost. In: Yazdovskii VI, editor. Kosmicheskaya biologiya i meditsina. Moscow: Nauka, 1966. P. 158–198. (In Russ.).
  7. Kopanev VI. Vliyanie gipogeomagnitnogo polya na biologicheskie ob’ekty. Leningrad: Nauka, 1985. 72 p. (In Russ.).
  8. Belevitin AB, editor. Professora Voenno-meditsinskoi (Mediko-khirurgicheskoi) akademii. Saint Petersburg: VMA, 2008. 551 p. (In Russ.).



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