The second life of the small anatomical collection of F. Ruysch «The eighth wonder of the world»

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Abstract. In November 2019, an important historical event was held. A small collection of F. Ruysch, which is stored in the fundamental Museum of the Department of normal anatomy of the Military medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, has received a second life, thanks to friendly scientific relations between Military medical Academy and the University of Leiden. The unique collection of anatomical preparations, which Peter I called «The Eighth wonder of the world», was created by the great Dutch anatomist, doctor of medicine, Professor of anatomy and botany at the University of Amsterdam F. Ruysch. A large collection was acquired by Peter I in 1717 specifically to the future of the Kunstkammer (now the Museum of Peter the Great) and taken to Russia under the supervision of the first President of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences L.L. Blumentrost. Small collection of F. Ruysch was presented to Peter I in the late seventeenth century (1697). It has withstood more than 300-year storage period. Numerous movements and different storage conditions, of course, left its mark on the appearance of these precious unique anatomical specimens. The last event of violations were associated with the early repair of the anatomical building of the Military medical Academy.We must pay tribute to the enthusiasm and unselfishness of the staff of Leiden University headed by a great friend of Russia I.F. Hendriks, who was able to organize a team of professionals in the Museum business. This team included the head of Leiden University, Professor P.C.W. Hodendoorn and specialist in restoration and percussively anatomical preparations – A.J. Van Dam. Hard work was multi-stage. First conducted a thorough verification of anatomical specimens of F. Ruysch with the existing directories of the Department’s records. Identification of the preparations to the F. Ruysch collection was carried out by the appearance of containers, labels, appearance of preparations, the study of embalming fluid. Photo documentation of each study drug was accompanied by reports signed bilateral commission. After pre-treatment the special chemicals and equipment were delivered, and conducted direct work on restoration and percussively. It lasted 10 days. Members of the Department received a unique master class on the restoration of wet embalmed museum anatomical specimens, and received recommendations for their storage.

About the authors

I. V. Gaivoronsky

Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

G. I. Nichiporuk

Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

M. V. Tvardovskaya

Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2020 Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I., Tvardovskaya M.V.

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