Experience with information and communication technology in mastering medical knowledge based on intelligence cards

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We consider the information and communication technology of conducting classes using intelligence cards that meets the requirements of the modern subject-subject paradigm of education, which obliges one to be guided by the principle of communication. This principle implies significant changes in the organization of the process of interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom. The following parameters characterize such a technology for conducting a lesson: speech-cognitive activity, functionality, heuristic, motivated actions, the search for personal meaning in the work of students in the lesson. To implement these parameters in the educational process at A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy. and S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy used the capabilities of intelligence cards as a tool for information and communication technology. The innovation of the latter lies in the fact that the educational process is based on the active work of students both during the lesson and during the organization of their independent work, allowing them to effectively absorb educational information and subsequently apply it in practical activities. The study reflects the experience and describes an effective educational methodology using intelligence cards for lectures, practical classes, independent work of students and their research work. As an illustrative example, one of the developed intelligence cards is given and the methodological support of the lesson on the study of measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of military personnel is described.

About the authors

A V Steshov

Военно-космическая академия им. А.Ф. Можайского


N V Zravinina

Военно-космическая академия им. А.Ф. Можайского

Email: zrnv22@gmail.com

A G Yakovlev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


P R Gilvanov

Военно-космическая академия им. А.Ф. Можайского


Yu P Kuzmin

Военно-космическая академия им. А.Ф. Можайского



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Copyright (c) 2020 Steshov A.V., Zravinina N.V., Yakovlev A.G., Gilvanov P.R., Kuzmin Y.P.

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