Use of ultraviolet radiation in modern medicine (Literature review).

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The article describes the main directions and areas of application of ultraviolet radiation in clinical practice. A special place is given to the mechanisms of biological effects of ultraviolet radiation, therapeutic effects, as well as the main indications, contraindications, equipment for the use of this method of treatment at the present time. Ultraviolet radiation in all possible methods and methods of delivery to biological tissues is of high importance in modern practice, effectively used in most sections of medicine - surgery, urology, gynecology, dermatology, pulmonology, cardiology, otorhinolaryngology, hematology, immunology and many others. This forms the basis for a wider introduction of UV radiation, further improvement of equipment and methods of its application in practical medicine.

About the authors

P S Markevich

3-й Центральный военный клинический госпиталь им. А.А.Вишневского. Филиал № 1

кандидат медицинских наук, майор медицинской службы г. Красногорск, Московская область

A V Alekhnovich

3-й Центральный военный клинический госпиталь им. А.А.Вишневского

доктор медицинских наук, полковник медицинской службы запаса г. Красногорск, Московская область

A M Kislenko

3-й Центральный военный клинический госпиталь им. А.А.Вишневского

кандидат медицинских наук, подполковник медицинской службы г. Красногорск, Московская область

A A Esipov

Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования Минздрава России



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Copyright (c) 2019 Markevich P.S., Alekhnovich A.V., Kislenko A.M., Esipov A.A.

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