Indicators of disability of the military personnel in able-bodied and retirement age for2015-2016 (territorial aspect)

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The indexes primary and secondary disability among soldiers working and retirement age because of «military trauma» in dynamics for 2015-2016. From the military in 90% of cases disability is defined in the working age. The socio- hygienic analysis of the data on primary and secondary disability, carried out on a territorial basis, points to the heterogeneous share of disability indicators among military personnel in the Federal districts of the Russian Federation. It is revealed that the North-Caucasus, southern and Central Federal districts are the leaders in the establishment of primary disability and the total number of disabled people. The heterogeneous proportion of persons with disabilities recognized as members of the armed forces in different districts determines the need to analyse the conditions and grounds on which the disability was established. The implementation of the Federal comprehensive program «Accessible environment» and sub-programs aimed at the creation of the subjects of the Russian Federation of rehabilitation centers for patients and disabled people, due to the territorial characteristics of the prevalence of primary disability and the specifics of the category of persons with disabilities. Therefore, the data of the conducted social and hygienic analysis can serve as a basis for making organizational decisions on the creation of complex rehabilitation centers for disabled people from among former servicemen in the territories of the Russian Federation.

About the authors

O S Andreeva

Федеральное бюро медико-социальной экспертизы


L A Karasaeva

Санкт-Петербургский институт усовершенствования врачей-экспертов


M A Shkurko

Федеральное бюро медико-социальной экспертизы


L L Naumenko

Федеральное бюро медико-социальной экспертизы



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Copyright (c) 2018 Andreeva O.S., Karasaeva L.A., Shkurko M.A., Naumenko L.L.

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