Increasing in level of education of physicians in questions of psychosomatic medicine as one of the ways of psychosomatic medical aid optimizing

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The results of a survey of physicians of various specialties with the purpose of revealing a level of training of specialists in the field of psychosomatic medicine are presented. The importance of this study is determined by the wide spread of psychosomatic pathology among the population. Wide prevalence of psychosomatic pathology in the practice of doctors of various profiles was revealed. It was found that a significant proportion of patients (on average, 11,1±1%) had complaints at the time of examination, but no objective evidence was provided in favor of one or another pathology. At the same time, it was shown that insufficient awareness of physicians in psychosomatic issues, including an understanding of terminology of psychosomatics and nosologies capable of inducing psychosomatic disorders as well as the possibility of using different scales for a mental pathology detection. Almost a quarter of the doctors surveyed (23,1%) misinterpret the term «psychosomatic disorder», while the incorrect interpretation of this concept is significantly higher among general practitioners and therapists than among doctors of particular specialities. In addition, the need for doctors to expand their knowledge in the field of psychosomatic medicine has been established. Thus, 67,3% of doctors note a lack of knowledge in the field of psychiatry. At the same time, only 11,5% of respondents use questionnaires and surveys in their daily practice to identify various psychiatric disorders among their patients. Practically one third of the doctors surveyed (28,8%) cannot list any indications for sending patients to the psychosomatic department. The results of the study confirm the importance of developing and implementing a course of psychosomatic medicine for clinical residents of various specialties.

About the authors

V S Skripov

Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И.П. Павлова



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