Influence neurological complications that arose after the dental treatment on the quality of life of patients

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The most common clinical symptom in dentistry is pain. Doctors-dentists of practical health care have to face symptoms that doctors-forensic experts regard as a defect or neurological complication after dental treatment. Quite often there is acute toxic-traumatic neuropathy of the lower alveolar and chin nerve, which occurs when a filling material enters the mandibular canal during treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis of the premolars of the lower jaw [1-3]. During the filling of the canals, the patient has a very intense acute pain in the area of the lower jaw with numbness of the lower lip and chin. In connection with the wide spread and availability of implantological dental care to the population, neuropathies of traumatic genesis occur, the causes of which are mistakes in the setting of implants. One of the earliest manifestations of the above complications is a painful symptom leading to sleep disruption, the inability to fully fulfill their professional duties, fully eat and communicate, that is, to reduce the quality of life of patients. Using the short form (SF-36) as a questionnaire, 86 patients of dental clinics, who according to the medical documentation, had complications after performing dental interventions with different degrees of pain, found that the quality of life in general, with an increase in pain up to 100%, decreases to an average of 60%.

About the authors

E G Borisova

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


H O Yagmurov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


E S Griga

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Borisova E.G., Yagmurov H.O., Griga E.S.

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