
The influence of blue wavelength optical radiation on the rheological properties of blood from the patients presenting with bronchial asthma
Aleksandrova N., Ostrovsky E., Karandashov V., Linde E., Zubov B.
Travelling and alternating magnetic fields for the treatment of bronchial asthma concomitant with pathology of digestive organs
Zaripova T., Simagaeva N., Antipova I., Anichkina O., Zaripova T., Simagaeva N., Antipova I., Anichkina O.
The use of general biolong bath therapy for the medical rehabilitation of the patients presenting with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma
Ayrapetova N., Rassulova M., Nitchenko O., Nikoda N., Ksenofontova I., Uyanaeva A., Airapetova N., Rassulova M., Nitchenko O., Nikoda N., Ksenofontova I., Uyanaeva A.
The combined use of a helium/oxygen mixture and inhalation therapy for the treatment of patients presenting with bronchial asthma
Loshkareva E., Grigor'ev S., Aleksandrov O., Alekhina R., Krasnovskiy A., Alekhin A., Loshkareva E., Grigoriev S., Aleksandrov O., Alekhina R., Krasnovsky A., Alekhin A.
Substantiation of the use of peloidotherapy and iodine-bromine baths for the combined treatment of patients presenting with bronchial asthma and concomitant hypertensive disease
Antipova I., Zaripova T., Smirnova I., Barabash L., Anichkina O., Antipova I., Zaripova T., Smirnova I., Barabash L., Anichkina O.
Assessment of effectiveness of sanatorium medical rehabilitation of patients with bronchial asthma by international classification of functioning, disability and health
Dudchenko L., Mizin V., Belyaeva S., Maslikova G., Kozhemyachenko E., Kolesnik D., Dmitrievskiy A.
The relationship between psychic disorders and quality of life in patients with pulmonary heart and effects of combined therapy
Alyavi A., Rakhimova D.
The influence of magnetic therapy and naftalan treatment on the clinical course of the gastroesophageal reflux disease with the concomitant bronchial asthma
Badalov N., Efendieva M., Golubeva V.
Aerosol therapy with mineral waters for the treatment of patients presenting with chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma
Smirnova I., Zaripova T., Antipova I.
The quality of life of the patients suffering from bronchial asthma treated by the combination of hypoxically hypercapnic stimulation and amplipulse therapy as a component of the spa and health resort-based treatment
Savchenko V., Grishin M., Dudchenko V., Koval’chuk S., P’yankov A., Aukhadiev N., Korchagina E.
Laseropuncture for the treatment of bronchial asthma
Chernyshova L., Galimova E., Chernyshova L., Galimova E.
The physical factors applied for the combined treatment of bronchial asthma with concomitant hypertensive disease
Uryas’ev O., Isaeva I.
Methods of non-medicamental therapy for the correction of oxidative stress and tissue hypoxia in patients presenting with bronchial asthma complicated by pulmonary hypertension
Rakhimova D., Rakhimova D.
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