卷 13, 编号 2 (2014)


The influence of mineral waters on stress-induced endogenous intoxication of the organism (a clinical and experimental study)

Ponomarenko G., Zolotareva T., Rodomakin M., Leshchev A., Oleshko A., Bakholdina E.


This paper is concerned with the evaluation of the possibilities of using mineral waters for the correction and prophylaxis of stress-induced intoxication. The prospective open randomized controlled study has demonstrated that the development of chronic emotional stress is accompanied by the clinical manifestations of endogenous intoxication. The stress-protective and detoxication effects of the application of mineral waters were documented in the experiments using the laboratory animals and in the clinical studies that involved the patients presenting with functional disorders. The possibility of prevention of the manifestations of stress-induced endogenous intoxication was evaluated in the volunteers subjected to psychoemotional stress.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):4-12
pages 4-12 views

The application of low-frequeny magnetic therapy and the depo-hydrogel material “Ko-leteks” following the surgical intervention in otorhinolaryngology

Khar’kova N., Gerasimenko M., Egorova E., Oltarzhevskaya N.


We report the development of a combined method for the application of the medicinal hydrogel depo-system “Kolteks” in combination with low-frequency magnetic therapy following the surgical interventions for the treatment of pyo-obstructive processes affecting ENT. A total of 145 patients were available for the observation after endoscopic surgery on frontal or maxillary sinuses and anthromastoidectomy. The patients were divided into two groups. The study group was comprised of 100 patients who had undergone the surgical intervention including the intraoperative application of the medicinal hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” in the form of the gels of different consistency, matrices, and disks. During the postoperative period, the sinuses were rinsed with the Kolteks-ADL and Kolteks-AKL gels diluted 1:7. Magnetic therapy targeted at the postoperative wound was initiated as soon as 5-7 hours after surgery. The control group consisted of 45 patients who had undergone the surgical intervention and the postoperative treatment with the use of standard therapeutic modalities. Dynamic observations showed that the consecutive application of the hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” in combination with magnetic therapy following the surgical intervention makes it possible to reduce the requirement for parenteral application of pharmaceutical products by means of lowering the doses of medications by approximately 1.5 times. As a result, the risk of allergic impacts on the organism decreases along with the frequency of toxic effect of medicamental therapy. In the postoperative period, the patients reported marked relief of pain while the amount of rhinogenic microflora and microbial associations decreased by 2-3 times. The study has demonstrated that the application of medicinal hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” in the combination with low-frequency magnetic therapy following the surgical interventions for the management of otorhinolaringological problems promotes regression of inflammation-induced changes revealed by cytological investigations, such as the formation of many-layer granulation tissue within 3 days after surgery, which confirms the acceleration of the wound healing process and the decrease in the intensity of hyperemia and oedema. The formation of granulation tissue in the patients of the control group occurred 4-5 days later. It is concluded that the application of the medicinal hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” for the local treatment of postoperative wounds and sinuses ensures the maintenance of medicinal preparations in them in the therapeutically significant concentrations during 24-72 hours.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):12-17
pages 12-17 views

The use of plasmapheresis in the rehabilitation program for the patients who underwent myomectomy

Sheveleva G., Bakuridze E., Fedorova T., Rogachevsky O., Danilov A., Bulynina T.


The present study included 28 women presenting with uterine myoma. The patients were allocated to two groups. The cardiointervalographic technique was used to analyse the peculiar features of vegetative regulation of the organism before and after laparoscopic surgery and a course of plasmapheresis (PA) included in the program of postoperative rehabilitation. The results of the treatment were compared with the outcomes of traditional treatment during the postoperative period. The study has demonstrated that the application of plasmapheresis considerably promotes the improvement of the disturbed vegetative balance between the regulatory systems and compensatory-protective mechanisms in the majority of the patients (87.5%).These finding gives reason to suggest the desirability of introduction of plasmapheresis into the system of early rehabilitative measures. The effectiveness of the traditional program for the rehabilitation of such patients was much lower (28.6%) and depended on the type of vegetative homeostasis in a individual women.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):17-22
pages 17-22 views

The use of electroneurostimulation and laser therapy for the treatment of the patients suffering a mandible fracture

Lepilin A., Raigorodskiy Y., Bakhteeva G., Fedotenkova D., Ramazanov A.


The present study included a total of 43 patients presenting with mandible fractures concomitant with the sensori-paresthetic disorders diagnosed by clinical and neurophysioloical methods. The results of the study confirm the important role of neurotrophic factors in the development of mandibular osteomyelitis. We used the “Miovolna” apparatus for electrical neurostimulation in combination with laser therapy, besides the traditional treatment for the management of the participants of the study. Taken together, the two therapeutic modalities made it possible to decrease the severity of pain syndrome, promoted normalization of the neurologic symptoms, accelerated regeneration of the tooth socket and bone wound, and reduced the probability of the development of complications of mandibular fractures.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Fluctophoresis of mexidol following sinus lifting in the patents presenting with the chronic inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinus

Gadzhiev R., Gerasimenko M., Amkhadova M., Khrykova A.


The authors describe the new method for the rehabilitation of the patents presenting with the chronic inflammatory processes of the maxillary sinus during the early postoperative period after classical and local sinus lifting with simultaneous implantation. The patients were treated with the use of the standard therapeutic modalities supplemented either by fluctophoresis of mexidol (the study group) or mexidol fluctuorization (control group). The study has demonstrated that a course of rehabilitative treatment resulted in the recovery of the nasal breathing function, relief of the pain syndrome, improvement of the draining function of the nasal cavity, and normalization of conduction in the second branch of the trigeminal nerve. Activation of the osteoregeneration processes was documented based on the results of determination of the levels of alkaline phosphatase and its isomer localized in the bone tissue. The results of microbiological investigations confirmed the difference between the compositions of the microflora in the nasal cavity in the cases of rhinogenic and odontogenic maxillary sinusitis after the surgical intervention on the alveolar process of the maxilla with simultaneous dental implantation. It was shown that fluctophoresis and fluctuorization of mexidol have a well-apparent rehabilitative potential. It was manifested as a significant reduction in the number of samples suggesting the absence of growth within 7 days after the application of both modalities. A similar effect was documented only 12-14 days after standard therapy. The long-term follow-up failed to reveal cases of rejection of the dental implant during two years after the operation. It is concluded that the introduction of mexidol fluctophoresis into the program of rehabilitative measures makes up a complementary and potentiating approach to be employed in the early postoperative period following sinus lifting in the patents presenting with rhinogenic and odontogenic maxillary sinusitis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Magnetic simpatokorrektsiya in the case of mild arterial hypertension

Rajgorodskiy Y., Bolotova N., Lukjanov V., Kompaniets O.


The study included 75 patients with mild arterial hypertension (AP=<160/100 mmHg) selected for non-medicamental correction of AP by the traveling magnetic field (TMF) applied to cervical sympathetic ganglia (CSG) with the help a magnetik simpatokor (Russia). The results were compared with those obtained by the standard cervicocollar method and in the placebo group. AD was measured at single time-points or by 24 hour monitoring. The state of the vegetative nervous system was evaluated by rhythmocardiography. Vascular wall rigidity served as a predictor of risk of AH and cardiovascular pathology. It was shown that magnetic sympathocorrection in AH allows AP to be normalized in 75.8% of the patients and reduces the number of patients with hypersympathicotony by 2.5 times with simultaneous decrease of vascular wall rigidity to the normal values. It is concluded that magnetic sympathocorrection can be recommended for the treatment of mild AH and prevention of serious cardiovascular diseases.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):30-35
pages 30-35 views

The clinical practical recommendations - a new stage in the development of evidence-based physiotherapy

Ponomarenko G.


This article was designed to analyse the domestic and foreign experience gained during the medical rehabilitation of the patients are summarized by the author to describe the objectives, methodology, development, sources, content, and criteria for the quality assessment and the scope of applications of the clinical practical recommendations. Such recommendations contain information about the algorithms for prescription and application of the non-medicamental methods and techniques of the proven effectiveness in accordance with the relevant international criteria. The spheres of practical application of the clinical practical recommendations in different branches of physiotherapy are identified.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):35-39
pages 35-39 views

The application of physical factors for the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with chronic venous insufficiency

Lutoshkina M.


Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a serious socio-economic problem facing many developed countries including Russia. The causes underlying the development of this condition include varicose veins, post-phlebitic syndrome, and congenital arteriovenous anastomoses. The programs of rehabilitative treatment of chronic venous insufficiency include balneotherapy and instrumental physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, medicamental therapy, compression therapy, the adequate dietary, physical activity, and rest regimens, compliance with the personal hygiene procedures. The key role is played by physiotherapy. The following principal physical factors are used to support the rehabilitation program: magnetic therapy, laser therapy, intermittent pneumatic compression, darsonvalization, galvanization, drug electrophoresis, UHF electric field, ultraviolet irradiation, and electrostimulation with the use of a “LYMPHAVISION-Expert” apparatus.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):40-47
pages 40-47 views

The use of imitation of load bearing capacity in the case of low-invasive metal osteosynthesis of crural bone fractures in the children

Serova N.


The present thesis is devoted to the problem of improving the outcomes of the treatment of crural bone fractures in the children by means of the instrumental pneumatic imitation of the load bearing capacity (PILBC). The children were previously treated with the use of the low-invasive metal osteosynthesis techniques. The objectives of the study were to adapt the PILBC method for the application in the early postoperative period with the development of indications and contraindications for its prescription, to estimate dynamics of alteration of the main clinical and functional characteristics, to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the rehabilitative treatment being considered. The study included 102 children at the age varying from 4 to 18 years presenting with crural bone fractures; the majority of the patients were boys of the elder age group (61.8%). All the patients were allocated to two groups matched for the age and sex. They were given the identical combined treatment with the exception that the children of the study group (in contrast to those from the control one) were managed with the help of instrumental pneumatic imitation of the load bearing capacity. Analysis of the data obtained made it possible to elucidate the specific features of the PILBC method applied to assess the conditions of the children operated for the treatment of crural bone fractures. It showed that the main peculiarity of the method being discussed is the use of the differential “walking regimen” programs and the maintenance of the adequate pressure level in the pneumoortheses depending on the patients’s age, subjective complaints, severity of crural lesions, and the duration of the period following the surgical intervention. More sparing programs are available for the children under 8 years of age. An indication for the prescription of the instrumental pneumatic imitation of the load bearing capacity method is any bone fracture after the age of 4 years following the termination of low-invasive stably functional osteosynthesis. The contraindications include a severe open fracture associated with the extensive injury to the soft tissues and the presence of external fixation in the regions of the ankle joint and foot. Moreover, the PILBC method can be applied in all the children treated with the use of low-invasive technologies, i.e. practically in 30% of the patients hospitalized for the treatment of crural bone fractures.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):48-51
pages 48-51 views

The application of a pulsed low-frequency electromagnetic field for the rehabilitative treatment of the children presenting with secondary immune deficiency and concomitant progressive myopia

Khokonova E.


The present work is devoted to the problem of enhancement of the effectiveness of the management of the children presenting with secondary immune deficiency and concomitant progressive myopia in the context of the clinical and experimental substantiation of the transcranial application of a pulsed low-frequency electromagnetic field (PLFEMF) for the combined treatment. It was shown based on the observations of experimental secondary immune deficiency that PLFEMF exerts the anti-inflammatory action. The introduction of this technique into the combined program for the prevention of relapses of acute respiratory viral infection in the patients of the present group makes it possible to reduce the frequency of clinical manifestations of infectious syndrome, achieve stabilization of progressive myopia in 56.3 - 60% of the patient, and decrease the annual gradient of progression of myopia.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(2):51-56
pages 51-56 views
