卷 12, 编号 3 (2013)


Experimental substantiation of the application of mineralized waters for the prevention of the consequences of chronic emotional immobilization stress

Oleshko A., Bakholdina E., Rodomakin M., Zmievsky A.


The present experimental study was conducted using 176 white rats. Five series of experiments have demonstrated that a course of ad libitum drinking of mineralized waters (MW) in the animals subjected to chronic emotional immobilization stress reduces responsiveness to the stressful factors and prevents the development of manifestations of endogenous intoxication (EI). These observations are confirmed by the measurement of such integral characteristics of EI as medium-sized molecule (MSM) content, leukocytic intoxication index (LII), circulating immune complexes (CIC), lipid peroxidation (LPO), etc. It is concluded that certain characteristic features of the prophylactic action of mineral waters on the animals with endogenous intoxication under stressful conditions may be attributed to their physicochemical properties and the presence of biologically active substances (silicon, boron, etc) in their composition. The results of the study are interpreted as giving evidence of the desirability of application of mineralized water baths for the prevention of EI manifestations in the subjects exposed to stressful factors.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):3-6
pages 3-6 views

The application of laserophoresis from "Coletex-AGGDM" for the rehabilitation of patients operated for the treatment of maxillary sinusitis

Sipkin A., Gerasimenko M., Nikitin A., Hrykova A., Fomina E.


The results of drug laserophoresis from the "Coletex-AGGDM" clothes for the rehabilitation of patients after sinusotomy for the treatment of maxillary sinusitis are presented. This method permits to control the main components of the pathogenetic process in the patients presenting with maxillary sinusitis following the endoscopic correction of the ostiomeatal complex and/or the natural junction in the middle meatus region. The comparison of the control group comprised of 114 patients given the traditional treatment and 104 patients treated by laserophoresis showed that the latter procedure accelerates alleviation of pain syndrome, recovers aeration of the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus, promotes mucociliary transport and thereby clears the maxillary sinus from foreign agents. Fifty one percent of the patients no longer had complaints within 7 days after surgery.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):6-10
pages 6-10 views

The application of vibromagnetic therapy with the use of the AVIM-1 device for the management of prostatitis with concomitant pelvic pain syndrome

Neimark A., Aliev R., Raigorodsky Y., Makhova G.


A total of 64 patients (the mean age 34.6±4.2 years) suffering chronic abacterial prostatitis (CAP) during 2.8±0.8 years were effectively treated by the application of vibration and magnetic field generated by the AVIM-1 apparatus. The clinical signs and symptoms were evaluated based on the NIH-CPSI and IPSS scales. The vibromagnetic forces were applied to the perineal region (the patient sat down on the apparatus) for 15-20 min during 13-15 procedures supplemented by standard therapy including vitaprost rectal suppositories. The vibromagnetic treatment reduced the frequency of pain syndrome by 67% compared with 34.4% in the control group; simultaneously, the IPSS index decreased by 8.3 scores vs 53.4% in controls. The blood circulation was completely normalized and its selected characteristics (especially in the regions of sclerotic changes) improved.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):11-14
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The experience with the application of general magnetic therapy for the combined treatment of erysipelas

Kuzovleva E., Kulikov A., Erovichenkov A.


The objective of the present study was to estimate the possibility and desirability of the application of general magnetic therapy for the combined treatment of erysipelas. It included 98 patients allocated to two groups matched for the age and main clinical manifestations of the disease. The patients of both groups were given basal antibacterial and detoxification therapy combined with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of the inflammation site. The patients of the study group additionally received magnetic therapy. The results of the study indicate that the prescription of magnetotherapy significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment by accelerating regression of the clinical symptoms, elimination of oedematous syndrome and microcirculatory disturbances.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):15-18
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Early rehabilitation of the patients presenting with digestive organ diseases based at a spa and health resort: the 30 year experience and prospects for further development

Dragomiretskaya N., Zabolotnaya I., Izha A., Shevchenko N., Kalinichenko N.


This paper summarizes the 30-year experience of activities of the Gastroenterological Clinic, Ukranian Research Institute of Rehabilitation and Balneotherapeutics, in the field of organization of the system of early health resort-based rehabilitation and rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with digestive organ diseases. It is shown that the rehabilitative treatment with the use of natural and preformed physical factors for the purpose of prevention and chronization of the pathological processes in the digestive system, improvement of the functional state of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, correction of neurohumoral disorders and immunological responsiveness of the body significantly improves the patients’ quality of life, prevents incapacitation, and makes up an indispensible and efficacious component of the therapeutic process ensuring the restoration of the social and occupational status of the patients. Moreover, it promotes remission of the disease.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Reflexotherapy of disordered lipid metabolism in obesity

Drobyshevskaya V., Latysheva V.


This paper was designed to analyse publications in the domestic and foreign literature concerning physiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of action of reflexotherapy on disordered lipid metabolism in the patients presenting with alimentary obesity. The conflicting concepts of the mechanisms of action, the presence of acceptor points and energetic meridians, “in’s” and “yan’s” interactions remain to be reconciled. The morphological substrate of the above entities is either unknown or treated by different authors from mutually exclusive standpoints which makes necessary the in-depth analysis of the existing methods of treatment and medical rehabilitation along with the development of new therapeutic methods for the obese patients.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):23-26
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The application of physiotherapy for the combined treatment of long bone fractures

Davydkin N.


This paper reports the data on the application of physiotherapy for the combined treatment of long bone fractures. The author proposes pathogenetically sound recommendations for the prescription of physical factors in conjunction with counterindications against their use. The choice of a physical factor and a method for the physiotherapeutic treatment depends on the stage of reparative bone tissue regeneration, the character of the fracture, the technique for fragment fixation, the ability or disability for a given patient to visit the physiotherapeutic department, and the equipment thereof. The author focuses attention on the peculiarities of non-medicamental treatment of the patients having orthopedic problems, the availability of orthopedic tools and devices.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):27-34
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The therapeutic application of magnetic fields

Maksimov A., Kiryanova V., Maksimova M.


This paper illustrates the possibility of application of magnetic fields in clinical practice as exemplified by the available experimental data on the primary biophysical process initiated by magnetic fields. The action of the magnetic fields on various organs is described. Their neurotropic and peripheral therapeutic effects are discussed along with the mechanisms underlying them. Recommendations for the application of magnetic therapy in different pathological conditions are proposed. The indications and contraindications for their use are considered.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):34-39
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Ispol'zovanie kompleksnogo fizioterapevticheskogo vozdeystviya v lechenii khronicheskogo osteomielita

Bondarenko I.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):40-41
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Sovremennye aspekty kompleksnoy reabilitatsii bol'nykh posle endoprotezirovaniya krupnykh sustavov nizhnikh konechnostey

Polyakova A., Kareva O., Novikov A.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):41-41
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Effektivnost' lokal'noy i obshchey magnitoterapii pri razlichnykh klinicheskikh formakh osteoartroza

Gordeeva V., Vladimirskiy E., Rybolovlev E., Vladimirskaya N.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):43-43
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Elektrostimulyatsiya spinnogo mozga dlya vosstanovleniya dvizheniy pri vertebrogennykh mielopatiyakh

Shapkova E.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):43-44
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Optimizatsiya elektroterapii bol'nykh s dorsopatiyami po rezul'tatam dinamicheskoy segmentarnoy diagnostiki

Boytsov I.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):44-45
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Kompleksnaya differentsirovannaya terapiya kontraktury loktevogo sustava s primeneniem fizicheskikh faktorov, LFK i manual'noy terapii

Ershova E., D'yachek E., Chekalina E., Kochergin V.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):45-46
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Opyt ekstrakorporal'noy udarno-volnovoy terapii na apparate "Dornier AR-2" v lechenii khronicheskikh boley

Shtekh L., Badalyan I., Bakhtarova E., Starkova I.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):46-47
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Aktual'nye aspekty primeneniya galoterapii v reabilitatsionnoy meditsine

Chervinskaya A.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):47-49
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Eksperimental'nye dannye ob anal'geticheskoy effektivnosti polyarizovannogo polii monokhromaticheskogo i nepolyarizovannogo monokhromaticheskogo sveta

Gulyar S., Limanskiy Y., Tamarova Z., Sushko B.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):49-50
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Kompleksnaya reabilitatsiya bol'nykh s khronicheskoy serdechnoy nedostatochnost'yu s ispol'zovaniem miostimulyatsii

Evdokimova T., Kutuzova A., Bogdanova M.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):50-51
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Fizioterapevticheskoe lechenie v neyroreabilitatsii bol'nykh, perenesshikh mozgovoy insul't

Afoshin S., Gerasimenko M.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):51-51
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Sravnitel'naya effektivnost' razlichnykh vidov fototerapii v lechenii patsientov s astenodepressivnym sindromom nevroticheskoy prirody

Goncharova V.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):52-52
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Primenenie fizicheskikh metodov lecheniya khimicheskikh ozhogov pishchevoda u detey

Eredzhibokova M., Vasil'eva S., Shadrina E.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(3):52-53
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