卷 12, 编号 2 (2013)


Methodological aspects of gravity 3 therapy

Yashkov A.


A new trend in medicine, gravity therapy, and its integration into the system of medical rehabilitation are discussed. Many-year experimental and clinical studies involving over 8,000 patients revealed specific and non-specific reactions of the organism to the action of enhanced gravitation. Mechanisms of its therapeutic action and an original device for its simulation are described. Technical details of the method are discussed along with approaches to their application for the treatment and prevention of various diseases are considered with reference to indications and contraindications for the use of gravity therapy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Modern technologies for rehabilitative treatment of spondylogenic compressive cervical radiculopathies

Zinyakov N., Zinyakov N.


This study of 367 patients (210 men and 157 women) presenting with spondylogenic cervical radiculopathies was designed to reveal peculiarities of cervical spine biomechanics in patients with spondylogenic compressive cervical radiculopathies and to develop modern technologies for conservative radicular decompression. Control patients were divided into 2 groups in one of which they were given medicamental therapy and manual functional biomechanical radicular decompression, in the other this treatment was combined with stabilizing decompression gymnastics. The study showed that introduction of manual correction and remedial gymnastics in the treatment of spondylogenic compressive cervical increases the effectiveness of therapy due to its marked decompressve effect underlain by the widening of narrowed intervertebral foramina.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):7-10
pages 7-10 views

Magnetic laserotherapy and rehabilitation of children presenting with after11 effects of perinatal encephalopathy

Tyshkevich T., Gurskaya O., Gurchin A., Seliverstov R., Raigorodsky Y., Suslova G., Solomkina W.


A new priority method for the rehabilitation of children presenting with aftereffects of perinatal encephalopathies is described. The study involved 38 patients aged 2-14 years with psychovocal and psychomotor retardation of varying severity. The method included 10 sessions of synchronous application of a 6-40 mT travelling magnetic field and 0.85-0.9 mcm wavelength laser radiation (3.5-5 mW, 50 Hz) transcranially and along the spinal cord for 10-12 min. A TRANSKRANIO physiotherapeutic apparatus was used. Significant and less pronounced improvement of clinical conditions was documented in 22 (57.9%) and 13 (34.2%) of the children respectively. These patients showed a wider scope of psychovocal and psychomotor skills and increased tolerability of physical activity. The clinical results were confirmed by the evaluation of brain bioelectric activity and conduction of cognitive evoked potentials. It is concluded that the proposed method permits to accelerate the child’s delayed motor development due to activation of brain cognitive function and metabolism.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Ozonotherapy in 14 the treatment of immunodependent dermatoses

Kosheleva I., Simonova A.


Pathogenesis of many dermatoses is known to be related to immune disturbances and their correction is an important component of combined therapy of these conditions. Application of oxygen and ozone (ozonotherapy) is a physiotherapeutic technique having immunotropic action. The present work was designed to study various aspects of this action. We used a non-standard innovative approach including determination of characteristics of innate autoimmunity and compared them with certain parameters of cytokine profile in patients with localized scleroderma and skin angiitis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Exercise therapy for the patients suffering intra-21 articular fractures of distal humerus

Chukina E., Sergeev A., Klyukvin I., Shchetkin V., Vorontsov Y., Titov R.


We developed an improved method of exercise therapy for the patients presenting with intra-articular fractures of distal humerus. In this method, the elbow joint is fixed under conditions of maximum flexion or extension of multiarticular muscles and soft tissues surrounding the joint. It results in the two-fold improvement of the movements in the wrist and shoulder joints and permits to increase the amplitude of motion in the elbow joint within a single training session compared with the traditional methods and to reduce mean duration of the treatment by 2 months.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):21-24
pages 21-24 views

Application of Derinat in the shortterm balneologic treatment of erosive-ulcerative gastroesophageal lesions

Zhigunova T., Osipov Y., Saakova L., Chalaya E.


The development of new scientifically sound methods for balneotherapy of gastrointestinal diseases is a challenging problem for many reasons. To begin with, many patients referred for the treatment to health resorts suffer erosive-ulcerative gastroesophageal lesions that need to be managed with the use of highly effective medicines that have become available in recent time. A promising approach to successful treatment is the application of short-term courses of intensive therapy ensuring its maximally beneficial outcome that implies the development and evaluation of novel medical technologies. Derinat, a new nucleic-acid based medicine, meets this requirement due to its beneficial effect on epithelization of erosive-ulcerative lesions and eradication of H.pylori without the application of antibiotics.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):25-27
pages 25-27 views

On the use of preformed physical factors in the postpartum period based at an ob-27 stetric clinic

Malanova T., Ipatova M., Kubitskaya Y., Loktionov S.


The possibilities of differential application of physical factors during normal and complicated postpartum period are discussed. Indications and contraindications for physiotherapy are described along with the most effective methods for the use of preformed natural and artificial physical factors.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Physical factors in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its 33 complications scientific life

Volotovskaya A., Kozlovskaya L.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):34-42
pages 34-42 views
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In memory of Svetlana Mikhailovna Zubkova

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):53
pages 53 views

PRAVILA dlya avtorov

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(2):54-56
pages 54-56 views
