卷 10, 编号 3 (2011)


The use of the virtual reality technology for the restoration of movements of the paretic hand after stroke

Chernikova L., Ioffe M., Kurganskaya M., Mokienko O., Katsuba N., Ustinova K., Prokopenko R., Frolov A., Chernikova L., Ioffe M., Kurganskaya M., Mokienko O., Katsuba N., Ustinova K., Prokopenko R., Frolov A.


We have undertaken for the first time in this country a study of the effect of motor training under conditions of virtual reality (VR) based on the use of the PlayStation II apparatus with the input of video images via a colour digital video camera and the Eye Toy Play-3 computer animation program (Sony) for the medical rehabilitation of 47 patients aged from 21 to 76 years who presented with post-stroke arm/hand paresis. The mean duration of this pathology was roughly 8 months. Each training session lasted 20-30 minutes; a total of 5 seances per week were carried out during 10 days. The effect was evaluated either clinically (based on the motor assessment scale, MAS) or biomechanically with the help of the Mini Birds electromagnetic system (Ascension Technology Corporation, USA). It was shown that the application of the virtual reality technology is especially efficacious in the patients with stroke localization in the right hemisphere. It decreased the severity of paresis not only in the proximal segments of the limb but also in its distal parts (wrist). This effect can be attributed to neuroplasticity. Moreover, the training increased the accuracy of hitting the target, decreased the curvature of the trajectory of motion, and reduced the time needed to fully accomplish the task.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Physiotherapeutic technologies used during the in-patient phase of medical rehabilitation: the principles and practical experience of their application in a general-profile hospital

Bukatko V., Bukatko V.


The author substantiates the necessity of rehabilitation for the patients in the acute phase of a disease or during exacerbation of chronic pathology. General principles of application of physiotheratuetic modalities in such patients are considered. The original experience with the use of millimeter-wave (MMW) therapy for the treatment of complicated gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute pancreatitis, and acute stroke is described.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Changes in the characteristics of hemostasis in the patients presenting with chronic cardiac insufficiency under the action of hirudotherapy

Kuznetsova L., Kulikov A., Semenova E., Kuznetsova L., Kulikov A., Semenova E.


Chronic cardiac insufficiency (CCI) is a leading cause of death around the world. This condition is frequently associated with thromboembolic syndrome that aggravates the clinical course of the primary disease. The present work was designed to emphasize the importance of investigation into disturbances of hemostasis in the patients presenting with chronic cardiac insufficiency and to estimate the possibility of its treatment with the help of hirudotherapy. The study that included 120 patients with CCI and concomitant arterial hypertension has demonstrated that hirudotherapy improves the clinical conditions of such patients by exerting beneficial effect on the parameters of hemostasis. Specifically, it resulted in the normalization of fibrinogen concentration, increased blood plasminogen levels, decreased spontaneous and ADP-induced platelet aggregation.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):12-17
pages 12-17 views

The combined use of a helium/oxygen mixture and inhalation therapy for the treatment of patients presenting with bronchial asthma

Loshkareva E., Grigor'ev S., Aleksandrov O., Alekhina R., Krasnovskiy A., Alekhin A., Loshkareva E., Grigoriev S., Aleksandrov O., Alekhina R., Krasnovsky A., Alekhin A.


The present study involved 40 patients presenting with bronchial asthma. The results demonstrate a more pronounced beneficial action of the combined treatment using aerosol therapy and a heated helium/ oxygen mixture (heated heliox) on the respiratory system in comparison with inhalation therapy. A rationale has been developed for the application of the proposed therapeutic strategy to the management of patients with severe bronchial asthma.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):18-20
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Electrostimulation and color impulse therapy for the treatment of patients presenting with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Salikova N., Yashkov A., Kosarev V., Salikova N., Yashkov A., Kosarev V.


A total of 83 patients presenting with stage I-II chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were selected for the examination and treatment. They were divided in two groups. The patients of the control group received the basal broncholytic therapy in combination with the traditional spa and resort treatment. In the other group, they were additionally prescribed electrostimulation and colour impulse therapy. The results of both modalities were estimated based on the clinical picture, results of spirometry, and cardiac rhythm variability. The study has demonstrated that the combined physiotherapeutic treatment improves clinical and functional conditions of the patients, decreases the severity of obstructive lesions, and normalizes functional characteristics of the vegetative nervous system.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):21-23
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The use of nivalin electrophoresis, multichannel electrostimulation, vacuum massage, and laserotherapy for the rehabilitation of patients suffering dullness of hearing

Lazarenko N., Supova M., Gerasimenko M., Svistushkin V., Khamidullin G., Lazarenko N., Supova M., Gerasimenko M., Svistushkin V., Khamidullin G.


A scheme of the two-stage rehabilitation of the patients presenting with acute sensorineural dullness of hearing has been developed. It includes pharmacotherapy, nivalin electrophoresis, multichannel electrostimulation with pulsed bipolar currents, vacuum massage, and laserotherapy. The use of this combined therapeutic modality permits to significantly improve the hearing ability and the general condition of the patients, normalize blood circulation and neuromuscular transmission, increase the duration of remission.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):24-28
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The influence of blue light (470 nm) on the cells of congenital (neutrophils) and adaptive (T- and B-lymphocytes) immunity in the patients with furuncles of the face

Batrakov A., Kir'yanova V., Vasil'ev A., Shabashova N., Batrakov A., Kir'yanova V., Vasiliev A., Shabashova N.


Experimental in vitro studies have demonstrated the dose-dependent microbiocidic activity of neutrophilic leukocytes as the cells of the first line of protection of the organism against pathogenic agents. Clinical studies have shown that blue light activates the cells of congenital (neutrophils) and adaptive (T- and B-lymphocytes) immunity in the patients presenting with furuncles on the face.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):28-31
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The influence of combined phototherapy on the serum defensin level in patients presenting with lichen planus ruber

Shakhnovich A., Sheptiy O., Lyashenko A., Shakhnovich A., Sheptiy O., Lyashenko A.


The serum alpha-defensin (HNP1-3) level in neutrophils obtained from patients presenting with lichen planus ruber was shown to undergo appreciable changes suggesting their involvement in pathogensis of this condition. The combined treatment using narrow-band middle and long wavelength radiation was shown to markedly reduce objective and subjective manifestations of lichen planus ruber and promote normalization of serum alpha-defensin levels.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):32-33
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Correction of myofascial changes in patients suffering dorsopathies and panic disorders with the use of physical exercises

Makarova I., Yagodina I., Shinaev N., Talambum E., Krivoshey I., Moiseeva I., Savidova L., Koryakin A., Makarova I., Yagodina I., Shinaev N., Talambum E., Krivoshey I., Moiseeva I., Savidova L., Koryakin A.


This study was designed to investigate the functional capacity of the locomotor system by testing the muscular function in patients suffering dorsopathies and panic disorders. The results give evidence of pathological changes in the muscles of the neck, upper limb girdle, trunk, and lower extremities. A physical training program has been developed based on the use of the TwistStation exerciser that permits the motions to be performed in the frontal and sagittal planes; moreover, it allows rotational motions. It is also shown that physical exercises have beneficial effect on the muscular system, the vestibular apparatus, and adaptation to physical exertion.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):34-39
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The influence of low-intensity laser radiation on the characteristics of the blood coagulation system in patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis

Alyavi A., Nuritdinova S., Alyavi A., Nuritdinova S.


The objective of the present work was to study the influence of low-intensity laser radiation on the state of vascular-thrombocytic and plasma hemostasis. It included 47patients aged from 20 to 65 years presenting with rheumatoid arthritis of 1 to 19 years in duration. The patients were allocated to two groups of which group 1 comprised those with grade I pathological process activity while group 2 included patients with grade II process activity. The patients of both groups were treated with low-intensity laser radiation (LILR). The major parameters estimated in all the patients were platelet aggregation and characteristics of plasma hemostasis. Patients showing grade II pathological process activity exhibited a significant enhancement of thrombocytic and plasma hemostasis compared with their counterparts with a lower activity. The combined treatment including low-intensity laser radiation resulted in a significant decrease of vascular-thrombocytic and coagulation hemostasis in the patients of either group compared with the respective initial values. It is concluded that the inclusion of low-intensity laserotherapy in the combined treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis permits to eliminate clinical manifestations of the disease with simultaneous improvement of vascular-thrombocytic and coagulation hemostasis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):40-43
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Fluctuorization as a method for the restoration of the functional capacity of the neuromuscular apparatus

Smirnova S., Zakharova I., Filatova E., Gerasimenko M., Smirnova S., Zakharova I., Filatova E., Gerasimenko M.


Fluctuating currents are known to influence the process of functional recovery of striated and smooth muscles. The present study included 40 patients suffering intervertebral disk hernias in the lumbosacral spine and 108 children with chronic constipation and concomitant dolichosigmoid. It was shown that fluctourization facilitates restoration of microcirculation in the regions of interest (the anterior abdominal wall, lumbosacral region, and lower legs).
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):44-47
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The application of a low-frequency magnetic field for the prevention of postpartum endometritis following the abdominal delivery

Yarustovskaya O., Anan'ev V., Kulikov A., Rosseykina M., Yarustovskaya O., Ananiev V., Kulikov A., Rosseikina M.


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of application of a traveling magnetic field as a method for the prevention of postpartum endometritis following cesarean section (CS) in 110 puerperant women at risk of development of this pathology. Sixty puerperants in group 1were managed using traditional intraoperative antibacterial prophylaxis supplemented by magnetotherapy starting from days 1 or 2 of the postoperative period. Fifty patients of the control group were given the standard intraoperative antibacterial prophylaxis alone. The results of clinical observations, ultrasound and laboratory studies along with the reduced frequency of complications give evidence of the efficacy of magnetotherapy applied for the prevention of postpartum endometritis following abdominal delivery.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):48-50
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The use of sclerotherapy and normobaric hypoxytherapy for the combined treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia

Gvozdikova E., Rassulova M., Gvozdikova E., Rassulova M.


The results of the treatment of patients with neurocirculatory dystonia by speleotherapy and/or normobaric hypoxytherapy are presented. Their analysis indicates that combined therapy was more efficacious than either of the two monotherapeutic modalities. This clinical observation was confirmed by the results of measurement of cardiac rhythm variability and ECG dispersion mapping.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):51-53
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Physiotherapy of postneuritic contracture of facial muscles

Dovganyuk A., Dovganyuk A.


This study was designed to demonstrate the possibility to apply a variety of physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of postneuritic contracture of facial muscles. Both local application of physical factors (microwaves, ultrasound, low-frequency magnetic field, photo- and laserotherapy) and segmental reflexotherapy as well as general therapy (largely in the form of various balneotherapeutic procedures) are known to be used for the purpose. Recommendations are proposed to use different physiotherapeutic modalities taking into account the activity of a given pathological process and clinical characteristics of individual patients. Contraindications for the prescription of the above treatments for the patients with postneuritic contracture of facial muscles are specified.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(3):54-56
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