卷 9, 编号 6 (2010)


Theoretical and practical aspects of low-frequency ultrasound therapy

Ulashchik V., Ulashchik V.


This article was designed to review the currently available data on low-frequency ultrasound, its physical and biophysical characteristics, physiological and therapeutic effects, and methods of application. In addition, information about modern low-frequency ultrasonic instruments is presented.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Methods of non-medicamental therapy for the correction of oxidative stress and tissue hypoxia in patients presenting with bronchial asthma complicated by pulmonary hypertension

Rakhimova D., Rakhimova D.


This work was designed to study characteristics of oxidative stress, anti-oxidative activity, and tissue hypoxia in 35 patients presenting with bronchial asthma complicated by chronic pulmonary heart disease. They were given basal therapy or its combination with ozonotherapy and administration of bishofite by electrophoresis. Analysis of the results of the combined treatment demonstrated positive dynamics of the ventilation-perfusion relationships in the lungs, the anti-oxidative system, and tissue hypoxia. The beneficial changes were especially pronounced in the group of patients managed by ozonotherapy; they were less apparent in patients treated with bishofite electrophoresis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):9-12
pages 9-12 views

The efficiency of laser therapy included in the combined treatment of new-onset pulmonary tuberculosis

Myakisheva T., Chistyakova N., Myakisheva T., Chistyakova N.


The present study included 72 patients at the age from 18 to 35 years presenting with new-onset smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. They were divided into two groups. Group 1 was comprised of 30 patients treated by infrared laser therapy in the pulsed mode combined with chemotherapy in the II B regimen. Patients of group 2 (n = 42) were treated by chemotherapy alone (in the II B regimen). Patients of the two groups sowed the prevalence of either bilateral processes or unilateral processes affecting at least 1 or 2 lung lobes. One third of the patients carried pathogens refractory to medicamental treatment; in most cases, they displayed polydrug resistance. It was shown that the use of II B chemotherapy in combination with infrared laserotherapy accelerated elimination of intoxication and bronchopulmonary syndromes, resulted in the normalization of hematological characteristics, and arrested microscopically proven bacterioexcretion in all the patients and microbiolgically proven bacterioexcretion in the majority of them. Moreover, this therapeutic strategy allowed polydrug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to be overcome and efficacy of the closure of the caverns to be improved.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Optimization of short-term courses of intensive combined therapy with the use of physical factors and regulators of energy metabolism for the treatment of patients presenting with ostoarthrosis

Titskaya E., Levitskiy E., Abdulkina N., Reshetova G., Titskaya E., Levitsky E., Abdulkina N., Reshetova G.


The authors report the development of a method for the enhancement of the efficacy of short-term courses of intensive combined treatment of patients presenting with ostoarthrosis by including intake of a succinic acid-containing preparation as a regulator of energy metabolism. It was shown that intensive (on a day-to-day basis) combined physio-, balneo-, and peloidotherapy along with regular intake of the succinate-based drug permitted to decrease the frequency of clinical manifestations of balneoresponsiveness, optimize the functional capacity of the main regulatory systems and energy production. These changes were associated with the increase of non-specific resistance of the organism and contributed to the reduction of severity or complete elimination of clinical symptoms of the disease within 14-16 days or much sooner than under effect of traditional therapy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):16-20
pages 16-20 views

The use of structural resonance electromagnetotherapy and iodine-bromine baths for the treatment of patients with gastrooesophagal reflux disease

Efendieva M., Tishkova B., Abdurakhmanova A., Rusenko N., Efendieva M., Tishkova E., Abdurakhmanova A., Rusenko N.


This paper presents the results of the combined use of structural resonance electromagnetotherapy (SRT) and iodine-bromine baths for the treatment of patients with gastrooesophagal reflux disease (GORD). It is shown that SRT has beneficial effect on the neurohormonal regulation of the lower oesophageal sphincter, corrects the concomitant psychic disorders, and optimizes the vegetative regulation as apparent from improved clinical symptoms of GORD. A combination of structural resonance electromagnetotherapy with iodine-bromine baths enhances the above effects of SRT, improves clinical condition and quality of life of the patients. These results give reason to recommend SRT either as monotherapy or in a combination with iodine-bromine baths as an efficacious and pathogenetically sound tool for the management of patients presenting with gastrooesophagal reflux disease.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):21-24
pages 21-24 views

The influence of high- and low-intensity magnetotherapy on the metabolic activity of colonic microflora in patients with irritated bowel syndrome

Gusakova E., Luferova N., Konchugova T., Sel'kova E., Zatevalov A., Gusakova E., Luferova N., Konchugova T., Sel'kova E., Zatevalov A.


All the examined patients presenting with irritated bowel syndrome prevailed by the symptoms of constipation were shown to have intestinal dysbiosis associated with the abnormal metabolic activity of colonic microflora. Measurements of volatile fatty acids demonstrated a decrease in the absolute content of acetic, butyric, and valeric acids as well as reduction of the total content of intestinal metabolites. Combined rehabilitative treatment including local application of low-intensity bioresonant magnetotherapy on the colon projection region exerted positive effect on the metabolic activity of colonic microflora in patients with irritated bowel syndrome and the prevalence of constipation symptoms.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):24-27
pages 24-27 views

The experience with the use of combined therapy for postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density

Bulgakova S., Bulgakova S.


The objective of the present work was to study dynamics of the quality of life, indicators of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, markers of osteogenesis, bone resorption, and bone mineral density (BMD) in women of advanced age presenting with postmenopausal osteopenia during medicamental (sodium alendronate) and non-medicamental correction of bone metabolism during 6 months. The maximum improvement of the quality of life and bone mineral density was documented in the group of women given combined rehabilitative treatment. The positive osteogenic effect of whole body vibration appears to be due to the stimulation of the bone tissue formation processes manifest as the enhanced level of the osteogenic marker osteocalcin. This effect was lacking in the women treated with sodium alendronate alone.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):28-31
pages 28-31 views

The influence of phototherapy on the lymphocyte plasma membrane phospholipid composition in experimental chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Tadzhikhodzhaeva Y., Tadzhikhodzhaeva Y.


The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was induced in white outbred rats exposed to cigarette smoke during 60 days. Analysis of the main plasma membrane phospholipid fractions in lymphocytes from peripheral blood revealed their abnormal content and ratio. Phototherapy using concentrated light pulses resulted in the apparent tendency toward normalization of membrane phospholipid levels within 30 days after the completion of 10 treatment sessions. It is concluded that the treatment byconcentrated pulses of light has beneficial effect on the content and ratio of main plasma membrane phospholipids in peripheral lymphocytes.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Методы коррекции окислительного стресса и эндотоксикоза в период завершения и угасания репродуктивного цикла (экспериментальное исследование)

Astashova T., Burchak N., Starkova E., Astashov V., Morozov S., - -., - -., - -., - -., - -.


Анализ накопления и распределения свободных жирных кислот как субстратов липопероксидации в центральной лимфе и крови выявил развитие окислительного стресса и лимфотоксикоза как этапа эндотоксикоза в условиях физиологической беременности крыс в период завершения и угасания репродуктивного цикла. Показана более выраженная стабильность в динамике эксперимента процессов перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) в крови по сравнению с центральной лимфой. Выявлены особенности и оценена эффективность применения электромагнитного излучения крайне высоких частот и природного комплекса "Гармония Сил" для стабилизации процессов ПОЛ у интактных животных и в случае их беременности, наступившей после указанных воздействий.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):35-39
pages 35-39 views

Structural-resonance therapy of patients with lumbar-sacral radiculopathy

Khazina L., Korchazhkina N., Khazina L., Korchazhkina N.


In the article the data about results of studying of the psycho-emotional status at patients lumbar-sacral radiculopathy is presented at application of structural-resonance therapy according to medical-psychological testing with use of the questionnaire "Cenesthesia. Activity. Mood". Besides, quality of the patients life included in research by means of questionnaire SF-36 has been studied. It has been established that application both general and local influences of structurally-resonant therapy raises quality of life as at patients with vertibralgenic, and neuropathic pains, selectively operating on various components of the general health.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Ankylozing spondyloarthritis: the present view of the problem and application of physiotherapeutic methods

Orel A., Filatov V., Tabiev V., Orel A., Filatov V., Tabiev V.


The data reported in the present article illustrate the current state of epidemiology, clinical features, diagnostics and physical therapy of ankylozing spondyloarthritis. The authors emphasize the lack of attention to the changes of biomechanical characteristics of vertebrae in patients with this disease despite the fact that its treatment requires the combined and continuous systemic approach taking into account the involvement of the whole body in the pathological process. The methods of soft-tissue manual therapy are considered along with other non-medicamental techniques used for the rehabilitative treatment of patients presenting with ankylozing spondyloarthritis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):42-49
pages 42-49 views

Visible and near-infrared laser radiation for the management of oncological pathology (analysis of experimental studies)

Knyazev N., Samoylova K., Zimin A., Knyazev N., Samoilova K., Zimin A.


The many-year experience with the use of low-power visible (VIS) and near-infrared (nIR) radiation of lasers, photodiodes, and other sources for medical purposes gives evidence of a large variety of its beneficial effects in humans and animals including anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, wound-healing, and analgesic action. Nevertheless, certain clinicians (especially oncologists) appear unwilling to use these physiotherapeutic methods for fear of their stimulatory effect on the tumour growth and the development of metastases. Many are unaware that these phototherapeutic techniques are extensively used in the investigations with the use of experimental neoplasm models, e.g. in animals with transplanted malignant tumours. In the present paper, we summarize the relevant materials accumulated during the past 30 years and pertaining to the effect of the above forms of radiation on the neoplastic growth and the spread of metastases in laboratory animals after transplantation of different malignant tumours. The overwhelming majority of the studies indicate that VIS and nIR radiation applied in therapeutic doses normally used to promote wound healing in animals and humans slows down (rather than accelerates) the neoplastic growth rate and downregulates tumour dissemination. Moreover, both phototherapeutic modalities applied in combination with chemo- and radiotherapy tend to enhance their anti-tumourigenic efficacy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2010;9(6):50-56
pages 50-56 views
