卷 3, 编号 6 (2004)


The role of therapeutic exercise in medical rehabilitation

Epifanov V., Kuzbasheva T., Epifanov V., Kuzbasheva T.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):3-5
pages 3-5 views


Lobanov A., Gilinskaya N., Chereyskaya N., Abakumova L., Lobanov A., Gilinskaya N., Chereiskaya N., Abakumova L.


Scientific arguments in favour of usage, techniques and efficacy of treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) by application of rotating impulse magnetic field (RIMF) of the unit Polus-VIEM. The RIMF (induction 48-72 mT, reverse rotation, time of reversion 4-6 s, frequency of impacts 20-30 Hz, 7-10 min on each field, 7-10 procedures) impact is directed to two fields, at first at the level of thoracic vertebra 4-7, then at the level of thoracic vertebra 9-12. The addition of RIMF to combined therapy of COPD improves quality of the treatment and shortens its duration.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):6-8
pages 6-8 views

Normo- and hypobaric hypoxitherapy in chronic diseases

Vorob'ev G., Engel\"gardt G., Verobiev G., Engelgardt G.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):9-12
pages 9-12 views

Ozone application in combined therapy of ulcer disease in elderly patients

Pavlov D., Pavlov D.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):13-16
pages 13-16 views


Pashaev A., Musaev A., Nasrullaeva S., Zeynalov R., Beglyarov M., Guseynova S., Allakhverdieva T., Pashaev A., Musaev A., Nasrullaeva S., Zeinalov R., Beglyarov M., Guseinova S., Allakhverdieva T.


Functional examination of 72 air traffic controllers has established that the above controllers frequently suffer from vegetative dystonia, high normal arterial pressure, arterial hypertension and vertebrogenic pain syndromes. The cause of the above disorders lies in functional tension in the higher vegetative centers and impaired vegetative regulation manifesting with changes in the vegetative tone and reactivity, vegetative support, coagulation and anticoagulation systems, antioxidant defense, lipid peroxidation. Use of transcerebral electrostimulation in combination with iodine-bromine baths in patients with vegetative dystonia, high arterial pressure and arterial hypertension promote lowering of arterial pressure, improvement of vegetative indices and response of arterial pressure to psychophysiological load. Naphthalene phonophoresis in combination with naphthalane-paraffin applications reduced neurological symptoms of vertebral osteochondrosis in air traffic controllers. It is recommended to perform regular check-ups of the controllers and relevant correction with application of physical factors.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):17-22
pages 17-22 views

UHF electric field in combined therapy of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Andreeva I., Koneeva N., Izhberdeeva F., Andreeva I., Koneeva N., Izhberdeeva F.


Combined treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome was made in 43 alcoholics and drug addicts. The treatment included transcerebral impact of UHF electric field and medication. The above electric field was found to improve functional condition of the central nervous system, memory, attention, psychoemotional state, to accelerate mental activity, to decrease vegetative disturbances, anxiety, excitability. This facilitates physical and social adaptation of alcoholics and drug addicts, lowers the risk of suicidal behavior.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):23-25
pages 23-25 views


Dubrovskiy V., Babkin A., Samusenkov O., Dubrovsky V., Babkin A., Samusenkov O.


Vibromassage and oxygen therapy were performed for prevention and treatment of traumas and locomotor diseases in 106 athlets. Efficacy of the rehabilitation was controlled with clinical and instrumental methods. It was found that vibromassage with oxygen therapy lowers trauma rate and morbidity, accelerate recovery of physical performance in athlets.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):26-27
pages 26-27 views

A comparative analysis of lasers

Polyanskiy S., Kozhukhar' A., Titov M., Seraya E., Polyansky S., Kozhukhar A., Titov M., Seraya E.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):28-29
pages 28-29 views

Experience in rehabilitation of patients with locomotor disorders with photophoresis of Tizol gel with microadditives

Zelenina N., Zelenina N.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):30-30
pages 30-30 views

Climatic factors in rehabilitation of pulmonological patients

Ivanov E., Zhuravskaya N., Shakirova O., Ivanov E., Zhuravskaya N., Shakirova O.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Physiotherapy in combined treatment of patients with neuropathy of the facial nerve and trigeminal neuropathy

Markin S., Markin S.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):37-40
pages 37-40 views

The guide "Physical factors in combined rehabilitation of combat trauma"

Nechiporuk S., Vinogradova M., Suchkov A., Savvin Y., Nechiporuk S.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):41-51
pages 41-51 views

Legal aspects of laser medicine

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):52-52
pages 52-52 views

Improvement of professional skills

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):53-53
pages 53-53 views

Index of articles published in the journal "Fizioterapiya, Balneologiya i Reabilitatsia" in 2004

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2004;3(6):54-56
pages 54-56 views
