Justifcation for the usage of mineral water of Teberda deposit in the treatment of patients with focal pulmonary tuberculosis





The purpose of the research is scientifically substantiate the use of drinking mineral waters (MW) of Teberdinskiy deposit in sanatorium and spa treatment of patients suffering from focal pulmonary tuberculosis (FPT).

Material and methods. The study included 80 patients with FPT in the resorption and carnification phase. By random sampling, we formed 2 groups: the control group (CG; 40 people) that received inhalations with 1% dioxidin solution and a standard drug anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy; the patients of the group of comparison (GC; 40 people) additionally received drinking MW "Teberda."

Results. The analysis of clinical symptom dynamics did not show any significant differences between the groups: by the end of sanatorium-and-spa treatment the leveling of clinical symptoms in the MG was with 98.3% of the cases, in the CG – with 88.8%. The patients of the MG had a normalization of related T-lymphocyte subpopulations, immunoregulatory index decreased by 39.2% (p < 0.01), there was a drop in intensity of free radical oxidation by 30.2% (p < 0.01), an increase in activity of antioxidant protection system by 17.2% (p < 0.05). The CG had only a tendency to improvement of laboratory indicators.

Conclusion. In order to achieve a higher therapeutic effect having FPT in the resorption and carnification phase, it is advisable to include drinking MW in the treatment program, which expands and complements the possibilities of rehabilitation and rehabilitation assistance to the given group of patients.


Dinara Gerbekova

Regional Clinical Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary

Email: info@kkptd.ru

врач-фтизиатр ГБУ СК «Краевой клинический противотуберкулезный диспансер»

俄罗斯联邦, Stavropol


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