Correction of psychoemotional and vascular-autonomic dysfunction with patients suffering from endometrial disease under the influence of complex radon, laser, and drug treatment





The research objective is to develop a program to correct psycho-emotional and vascular-autonomic dysfunction with patients suffering from adenomyosis using complex radon, laser and drug treatment.

Material and methods. There were 100 women with adenomyosis complicated by psycho-emotional and vascular-autonomic dysfunction from the age of 23 up to 37 years old who underwent treatment at a branch of Pyatigorsk Clinic of North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Centre of Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. The patients were divided into 2 groups by a randomized method: the main group received radon, laser and drug therapy with Melaxen, the group of comparison received radon and laser therapy.

Results. A comparative analysis showed the expediency of including adaptogens in the complex of sanatorium-and-spa treatment of patients with endometrial disease: the improvement of clinical symptoms in the main group compared to the group of comparison was more frequent by 1.36 times; normalization of vegetative management in the main group occurred with 72% of the patients compared to 52% in the group of comparison; in the main group the decrease in the intensity of anxious disorders was 2.64 times (p < 0.01), against 1.46 times in the group of comparison (p < 0.05); normalization of concentration of peptide and steroid hormones in blood serum in the main group was with 64% of the patients versus 42% in the group of comparison.

Conclusion. Inclusion of Melaxen in the complex of traditional sanatorium-and-spa treatment of patients with adenomyosis (radon and laser therapy) provides significant improvement of neuroendocrine system, psycho-emotional, vegetative-vascular status.


Nelly Ahkubekova

Pyatigorsk Scientific-Research Institute of Resort Study ― a branch of North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Centre of Federal Medical and Biological Agency

SPIN 代码: 3008-8175


俄罗斯联邦, Pyatigorsk

Anatoly Tereshin

Pyatigorsk Scientific-Research Institute of Resort Study ― a branch of North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Centre of Federal Medical and Biological Agency

SPIN 代码: 5939-1461

D. Sci., Prof.

俄罗斯联邦, Pyatigorsk

Angela Bestaeva

Pyatigorsk Scientific-Research Institute of Resort Study ― a branch of North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Centre of Federal Medical and Biological Agency

SPIN 代码: 1156-7981
俄罗斯联邦, Pyatigorsk


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