The combined use of a fermentoterapiya and carboxytherapy at complications of planimetric plasticity of area of a brush in cosmetology




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Background. In recent years, cosmetology has become increasingly popular procedures for the introduction of various fillers to correct age-related changes in the hands (visualization of veins and tendons) to compensate for the amount of fat lost with age in the back of the hand. At the same time, the number of complications after contouring the hand area is also increasing, due to non-compliance with the insertion technique, ignorance of the anatomical features of the corrected area, and a number of other factors.

Aims: to study the effectiveness of a combined method that includes a course of collalizine diadinamophoresis in combination with injection carboxytherapy for the correction of complications that occurred on the back of the hand when injecting fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite.

Methods. There were 28 women under observation, with an average age of 41.5 ± 4.6 years, with a complication after administration of a drug based on calcium hydroxyapatite on the back of the hand. Were allocated to 3 groups that received a course of carboxytherapy, the rate of diadynamophoresis collalizine and their combination.

Results. The use of a combined course of collalizine diadinamophoresis with injectable carboxytherapy provides a pronounced analgesic effect, stabilizes the psychoemotional state and gives a pronounced effect of reducing the thickness of the dermis and increasing the dermis density coefficient, especially in the early stages of observation, which is probably due to a decrease in intra-dermal edema that occurs as a reaction to a filler injected either too deeply or in large quantities. In addition, this combined technique significantly accelerates both the biodegradation of the previously introduced filler, and affects pathological fibrosis around calcium hydroxyapatite crystals.

Conclusions. The combined use of collazine diadinamophoresis and injective carboxytherapy locally on lesions with complications in the form of edema, contouring and local neuropathic manifestations that occur when injecting fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite to the back of the hand is a highly effective method of treatment, which is confirmed by relieving clinical symptoms and improving the quality of life of patients.


I. Aksenenko

Клиника эстетической медицины

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3602-594X
SPIN 代码: 8172-4573


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