Assessment of effectiveness of sanatorium medical rehabilitation of patients with bronchial asthma by international classification of functioning, disability and health





The purpose of study was to elaborate methodology of assessment of effectiveness of a medical rehabilitation in patients with the bronchial asthma with use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Under observation there were 420 patients with bronchial asthma who received sanatorium treatment on the Southern coast of the Crimea. All patients received the clinical, laboratory and functional trial. For assessment of a condition of patients according to provisions of ICF, a set of domains was developed for patients with bronchial asthma. The health resort medical rehabilitation in the climatic resort leads to reliable increase of asthma control. Changes of continuants of the offered domains before carrying out sanatorium medical rehabilitation had reliable positive dynamics. A proposed methodology can be used for assessment of functional condition of patients with bronchial asthma under health resort medical rehabilitation.


Leyla Dudchenko

State budget healthcare organization of the Republic of Crimea «I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation», Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Crimea


PhD, head of scientific research department of pulmonology, I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation

俄罗斯联邦, Yalta

V. Mizin

State budget healthcare organization of the Republic of Crimea «I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation», Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Crimea

俄罗斯联邦, Yalta

S. Belyaeva

State budget healthcare organization of the Republic of Crimea «I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation», Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Crimea

俄罗斯联邦, Yalta

G. Maslikova

State budget healthcare organization of the Republic of Crimea «I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation», Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Crimea

俄罗斯联邦, Yalta

E. Kozhemyachenko

State budget healthcare organization of the Republic of Crimea «I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation», Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Crimea

俄罗斯联邦, Yalta

D. Kolesnik

State budget healthcare organization of the Republic of Crimea «I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation», Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Crimea

俄罗斯联邦, Yalta

A. Dmitrievskiy

State budget healthcare organization of the Republic of Crimea «I.M. Sechenov Academic research institute of physical methods of treatment, medical climatology and rehabilitation», Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Crimea

俄罗斯联邦, Yalta


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