


Clinical-neurophysiological bases of the combined use of Nucleo CMF forte preparation and interference therapy in the complex treatment of patients with vertebrogenic radiculopathies were studied. The beneficial effect of this therapeutic complex on the clinical course of the disease, more pronounced analgesic effect and regression of clinical manifestations, as well as improvement of quality of life indicators were proved. It has been established that the therapeutic effect of the complex application of Nucleo CMF forte and interference therapy lies in the improvement in the afferent and efferent links of the neuromotor apparatus, as well as the functional state of the spinal alpha-motoneurons associated with the acceleration of the regenerative processes. Activation of regenerative processes can also be associated with the restoration of certain morphological elements of the nervous system under the action of Nucleo CMF forte, as well as the normalization of the synthesis of complex lipids involved in cellular metabolism and synthesis of substances for the structural restoration of peripheral nerves. Carrying out neurotropic pharmacotherapy in combination with physiotherapy helps optimize therapeutic tactics in patients with vertebrogenic radiculopathies and is aimed at improving the quality of treatment, reducing the using of number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the frequency of relapse of the disease, and improving the quality of life of patients.


Sadagat Guseinova

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan

Email: huseynova-sadagat@rambler.ru
MD, PhD, DSc, Prof., head of the clinical and neurophysiological laboratory, Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, Baku. 1008, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

S. Imamverdieva

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan

1008, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

E. Mustafaeva

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan

1008, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

M. Mamedova

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan

1008, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

K. Yusifova

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan

1008, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan


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