


It is known that neurotic disorders can be independent risk factors for the development of complications in patients with cardiovascular diseases. This requires the creation of new rehabilitation programs that include not only medicines but also physiotherapy. To this end, an analysis was made of the effect of complex treatment, including visual color impulse therapy, on the psychoemotional state of 80 patients with cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive disease and coronary heart disease, who also have asthenic-depressive symptoms. In this case, patients in two control groups received standard drug therapy, and in the two main groups received additional color pulse therapy from the «Mellon» apparatus. Dynamics of the psychoemotional state of patients was studied with the help of a test that determines the quantitative changes in the state of health, activity and mood, as well as the stress index that characterizes the regulation of the heart rhythm under stress. Prior to the start of treatment, functional disintegration of regulatory mechanisms was characteristic for all patients, which was accompanied by psychoemotional disorders that indirectly reflected the state of highly organized nervous processes in the cerebral cortex, which altered the values of SI stress index indicators and the «well-being, activity, mood» test. The regression statistical analysis was used in this work. As a result, the indications and contraindications to the use of this method of treatment were determined. After the course of complex treatment, including drug and visual color impulse therapy, positive dynamics in the patients’ state was revealed, which indicates an increase in the functional capabilities of their body, and also, given the good tolerability of visual color impulse therapy, the feasibility of including this method in complex treatment at any stage of rehabilitation.


Nina Lazarenko

Federal state budgetary education Institution of Moscow region «Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky»

Email: lazarenko.nina@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, assistant, Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky, Mosсow 129110, Mosсow, Russia

A. Sekirin

Federal state budgetary education Institution of Moscow region «Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky»

129110, Mosсow, Russia

V. Prikuls

Federal state budgetary education Institution of Moscow region «Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky»

129110, Mosсow, Russia

S. Smirnova

Federal state budgetary education Institution of Moscow region «Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky»

129110, Mosсow, Russia

M. Supova

Federal state budgetary education Institution of Moscow region «Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky»

129110, Mosсow, Russia

O. Trunova

Federal state budgetary education Institution of Moscow region «Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky»

129110, Mosсow, Russia

E. Ostrovskiy

Federal state budgetary education Institution of Moscow region «Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky»

129110, Mosсow, Russia

M. Gerasimenko

Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education», Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

123995, Mosсow, Russia

A. Soldatov


115682, Mosсow, Russia


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