


Atopic dermatitis remains a serious medical and social problem, especially in adolescents. The further development of rehabilitative and physiotherapeutic modalities and their extensive introduction into the clinical practice during the periods of remission make it possible to reduce to a minimum the duration of the oral and topical therapy and thereby to decrease the risk of adverse side effects, improve the quality of life of the patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, and prolong the inter-recurrence periods. The present study included 44 children at the age 15-18 years suffering from atopic dermatitis of mean duration 14.1 ± 1.5 years. They remained under the observation for 48 weeks. The frequency of exacerbations in most of these children (81.8%) was estimated at 4.7 ± 0.8 times a year, with the majority of acute episodes falling on the cold seasons. In 84.1% of the children, the loading coefficient for concomitant somatic diseases was 2.9. All the children received the comprehensive pharmacotherapy and physiotherapeutic treatment in the period of the last exacerbation including transcerebral pulsed electrical therapy, magnetic laser therapy and/or their combination. The study has demonstrated that the use of methods mentioned above during the period of remission in children with atopic dermatitis increased the adaptive potential of the organism, strengthened the general health status of the patients, contributed to the reduction in the frequency and severity of exacerbations of the pathological processes affecting the skin.


T. Koroleva

Federal state budgetary institution «Pediatric Medical Centre», Presidential Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

109012, Moscow, Russia; 121359, Moscow, Russia

N. Murashkin

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; Federal state autonomous institution «National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

121359, Moscow, Russia; 119991, Moscow, Russia

K. Kotenko

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

121359, Moscow, Russia


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