The application of aquatherapy in the programs for the rehabilitation of the patients following a previous cardiovascular diseases




The present study was designed to evaluate the possibilities for the application of aquatherapy in the framework of the therapeutic and health promotion programs. Although the relevant investigations are small in number, their results indicate that aquatherapy provides a powerful tool for the prevention of the cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and the rehabilitation after recovery from this pathology. Under certain conditions, this therapeutic modality is the method of choice for the treatment of a specific group of patients either in combination with the aerobic activity or as an alternative to it. The recognition of the importance of aquatherapy and its further development require the extension and the modification of the currently available scientifically sound evidence base.


A. Persiyanova-Dubrova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy”, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 121099, Russian Federation

Nazim Badalov

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy”, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 121099, Russian Federation


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