The application of the physiotherapeutic methods for the rehabilitation of the women presenting with breast cancer of clinical group III with post-mastectomy oedema (Part 1)

  • 作者: Grushina T.1, Kulikov A.2
  • 隶属关系:
    1. State autonomous healthcare facility “Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine”, Moscow Health Department
    2. State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”, Russian Ministry of Health
  • 期: 卷 14, 编号 5 (2015)
  • 页面: 46-51
  • 栏目: Articles
  • URL:
  • ID: 41554




This paper contains information about the complications that frequently develop in the women following the surgical treatment of breast cancer. Much attention is given to the discussion of the possibility and practicability of the application of physical therapeutic methods for the rehabilitation of such patients belonging to the clinical group ill. The therapeutic procedures of pneumatic compression and electrical therapy are described with special reference to electroneural stimulation of lymphatic drainage and electromyostimulation of the shoulder girdle on the affected side of the body for the elimination of the postoperative lymphatic and lymphovenous oedema of the upper extremity. The indications and contraindications for the prescription of the physiotherapeutic treatment are substantiated. The data on the most frequently used equipment for the physiotherapeutic treatment are presented with emphasis on its clinical efficiency for the women who undergo surgical intervention for breast cancer.


Tat'yana Grushina

State autonomous healthcare facility “Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine”, Moscow Health Department

Moscow, Russian Federation, 105120

A. Kulikov

State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”, Russian Ministry of Health

125993, Moscow


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