The influence of EHF-therapy on the structure of bile in the patients presenting with chronic cholecystitis in combination with opisthorchiasis

  • 作者: Poddubnaya O.1,2,3
  • 隶属关系:
    1. State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Siberian State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health
    2. Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency
    3. Research Institute of Balneotherapy and Physiotherapy, Tomsk branch of the Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency
  • 期: 卷 14, 编号 6 (2015)
  • 页面: 24-28
  • 栏目: Articles
  • URL:
  • ID: 41548




The importance of the development of the effective methods for the treatment of the patients presenting with chronic cholecystitis in combination with the opisthorchiasis arises from the fact that the functional disturbances in the biliferous system are responsible for destabilization of bile and the possible development of cholelithiasis. The timely beginning of the combined treatment including EHF-therapy promotes the improvement of indicators of the biochemical structure of bile with the normalization of its colloidal stability along with the simultaneous correction of the motor and evacuation function of the gallbladder and the enhancement of the adaptive resources of the organism. It ensures the high therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment without detriment to its tolerance.


O. Poddubnaya

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Siberian State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health; Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency; Research Institute of Balneotherapy and Physiotherapy, Tomsk branch of the Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, Physiotherapy and Balneology Tomsk, Russian Federation


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