The application of the “Orbita” apparatus for teraherz therapy for the purpose of correction of the blood rheological properties in the cases of the stab and slash injuries to the chest




The objective of the present study was to estimate the influence of the millimeter wavelength (UHF) electromagnetic oscillations on the rheological properties of the blood in the patients presenting with the stab and slash injuries to the chest. The treatment was given to 22 patients with the penetrating stab and slash wounds of the chest without injuries to the internal organs. Also considered were the effects of UHF therapy on the clinical course of the immediate postoperative period. All the patients underwent the primary surgical treatment and drainage of the pleural cavity. The blood loss varied from 200 to 500 ml. The inclusion criteria were a penetrating wound to the chest wall and small hemothorax, the exclusion criteria the blood loss in excess of 500 ml and either combined or multiple injuries. The patients were allocated to two groups. Group 1 was comprised of the patients given UHF therapy (n = 12), group 2 contained the patients treated without UHF therapy (n = 10). The control group consisted of 15 relatively healthy volunteer donors matched for the age and sex with the patients of the two former groups. Blood transfusion was not used, the patients of the two study groups received the comparable amount of infusion therapy. Changes in the rheological characteristics of the blood were detected by measuring its viscosity, variation of deformability indices, and erythrocyte aggregation. The study has demonstrated that UHF treatment of the patients presenting with the stab and slash injuries to the chest can be used to prevent the development of changes in the rheological properties of blood. This therapy is well tolerated by the patients as evidenced by the absence of undesirable adverse effects.


Vladimir Maslyakov

Non-government research and educational institution of higher professional education “Saratov Medical Institute “REAVIZ”

Department of Clinical Medicine Saratov, 410012

O. Dralina

Non-government research and educational institution of higher professional education “Saratov Medical Institute “REAVIZ”

Department of Clinical Medicine Saratov, 410012

O. Sukhanova

Non-government research and educational institution of higher professional education “Saratov Medical Institute “REAVIZ”

Department of Clinical Medicine Saratov, 410012

V. Barsukov

Non-government research and educational institution of higher professional education “Saratov Medical Institute “REAVIZ”

Department of Clinical Medicine Saratov, 410012

A. Dadaev

Non-government research and educational institution of higher professional education “Saratov Medical Institute “REAVIZ”

Department of Clinical Medicine Saratov, 410012


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