The evaluation of the effectiveness of electrophoresis with the use of polymineral wipes based on natural iodine-bromine mineral water for the treatment of intervertebral disk herniation in the lumbar region of the spine during the postoperative period




This article reports the results of examination of 68 patients at the age from 34 to 68 years treated by electrophoresis with the use of polymineral wipes based on natural iodine-bromine mineral water on days 5-7 after the surgical removal of the intervertebral disk hernia in the lumbosacral region of the spine. The outcome of the treatment allows for the conclusion that electrophoresis with the use of polymineral wipes facilitates the alleviation of pain syndrome, the compensation for neurological deficit, the normalization of the muscular tone and the functional activity of the muscles in the lumbar region and the lower extremities as well as the restoration of the normal movement stereotype.


Dmitriy Gilyazov

State budgetary healthcare facility of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Novourengoyskaya Central City Hospital”

Novy Urengoy


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