The specific features of the osteopathic correction of the state of the young women to information stress




The objective of the present study was the dynamic assessment of the effectiveness of the general osteopathic treatment during the correction of undesirable functional changes in the organism of the women working under conditions of information stress. Both the assessment and the correction were carried out based at the V.L Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, Sankt-Peterbutg. The participants of the study were under observation for 6 months during which their functional status was evaluated with reference to the working conditions (computer operators of a large bank). We used the “Mul’tipsikhometer” hardware and software psychodiagnostic system for the psychophysiological testing of 10 practically healthy women at the mean age of 28.7±3.2 years. The following parameters were evaluated: the psycho-emotional state (tests of wellbeing, general activity, and mood, Luscher colour test, “Stress” questionnaire), the state of the central nervous system (methods for the evaluation of the functional lability and balance of the nervous system process) and of the visual analyzer (the critical flicker frequency); the working capacity was estimated by means of the “physiological test of capacity for the work”. The results of these studies indicate that the osteopathic treatment significantly improves the functional status of the women working under conditions of information stress in terms of the normalization of their psycho-emotional state, the 20% increase in the number of the correct answers, the 13.9% and 39.6% enhancement of the emotional capability and dynamism respectively which suggests the equilibration (balance) of the nervous processes in the cerebral cortex and the acceleration of the formation of the performance skills.


Irina Egorova

V.L. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine

ul. Fuchika, 4, litera K, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 109102

A. Buchnov

V.L. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine

ul. Fuchika, 4, litera K, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 109102

V. P’er

V.L. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine

ul. Fuchika, 4, litera K, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 109102


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