The application of the laser speckle field for the treatment of “dry eye” syndrome in the employees engaged in cement production




The present study was designed to examine and treat 60 employees engaged in cement production presenting with “dry eye” syndrome (120 eyes) and concomitant dysfunction of meibomian glands. The patients of the study group (n = 35) were given the standard treatment with tear-substituting agents and therapeutic eyelid hygiene in the combination with physiotherapy by the application of the laser speckle field with a wave length of650 nm. The patients of the control group (n = 25) received standard medicamental therapy. The effectiveness of the treatment in either group was evaluated from dynamics of subjective and objective symptoms based on the integral index of subjective discomfort and the results of the functional tests ( time of the tear film rupture, compression test, and parameters of conjunctival and corneal xerosis). The study has demonstrated that the application of the laser speckle field for the treatment of “dry eye” syndrome and concomitant dysfunction of meibomian glands causes the three-fold acceleration of the processes of epithelization and regeneration of the eye tissues. Moreover, it restores the function of meibomian glands, promotes the reduction of subjective discomfort, and improves the results of the functional tests in comparison with the standard treatment.


Roman Kalmykov

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University

ul. Khol’zunova 19, 410054, Saratov, Russia

T. Kamenskikh

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University

ul. Khol’zunova 19, 410054, Saratov, Russia

Yu. Raigorodsky

Trima Ltd

ul. Panfilova 2, 410033, Saratov, Russia


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