The application of the non-medicamental technologies for the early rehabilitation of the patients presenting with cerebral ischemic stroke




A total of 102 patients presenting with cerebral ischemic stroke were available for the examination. They were treated with the use of the immersive reality system (BTS Nirvana) and the KOBS multi-functional training platform. It was shown that the proposed therapeutic modalities make it possible to reduce the severity of manifestations of neurological deficiency as estimated based on the NIHSS scale and that of locomotor disorders evaluated from the enhancement of the muscular force.


K. Kotenko

Федеральный медико-биологический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России

Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Training, Balneology and Physiotherapy in collaboration with Department of Neurology, A.I. Burnazyan Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency Moscow

Natal’ya Korchazhkina

Федеральный медико-биологический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России

Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Training, Balneology and Physiotherapy in collaboration with Department of Neurology, A.I. Burnazyan Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency Moscow

O. Maslyuk

Федеральный медико-биологический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России

Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Training, Balneology and Physiotherapy in collaboration with Department of Neurology, A.I. Burnazyan Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency Moscow


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