Rehabilitation of the children having the history of exposure to the unfavourable ecological conditions based at spa-and-health resort faclities




The study included 350 children at the age varying from 7 to 14 years who arrived from the regions with unfavourable ecological conditions. All of them were found to have functional abnormalities in various organs of the psychoemotional sphere, nervous. endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, and digestive systems apparent as the manifestations of ecological disadaptation syndrome. It was shown for the first time that rehabilitation of such patients is possible by drinking mineral water in the framework of comprehensive spa-and-resort-based therapy. Balneotherapeutic procedures prescribed to the children having the history of exposure to the unfavourable ecological conditions contributed to the optimization of metabolic reactions mediated through switching catabolic processes to anabolic ones as confirmed by the increment of in the body weight and the two-fold increase of the insulin/cortisol coefficient. The study demonstrated that the consumption of double doses of Slavyanovskaya mineral water produced especially well apparent therapeutic effect due to improved dynamics of asthenic signs; moreover, combination of its standard doses with a pectin extract is especially advantageous for the alleviation of severe pain and dyspeptic syndromes. Simultaneously, this therapeutic modality had beneficial effect by reducing the elevated levels of many hormones and caused a 20% decrease in the excessive triiodothyronine activity. A similar therapeutic effect was documented in the children that consumed traditional doses of Essentuki N4 mineral water.


Larisa Shvedunova

Federal state budgetary institution Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

д.м.н., ведущий научный сотрудник научного отдела восстановительной педиатрии 57501, Pyatigorsk

Aleksey Glukhov

Federal state budgetary institution Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

к.м.н, заведующий научно-организационным отделом 57501, Pyatigorsk


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