The application of transcranial electrical stimulation for the treatment of enuresis in the children




The present study included 68 children of the mean age 9.6 years presenting with nocturnal enuresis treated by transcranial electrical stimulation (TES therapy) with the use of an AMO-ATOS-E apparatus. The clinical signs of imperative urination were evaluated based on the E.L. Vishnevsky questionnaire. The urological investigations included uroflowmetry (UF). All the patients underwent EEG examination before and after treatment. The patients of the control group were treated by basal therapy with the use of driptane (oxybutinin). Electrical stimulation was applied to the frontomastoid region with the commutation of the right and left “mastoid“ electrodes at a frequency of 10 Hz. The treatment course consisted of 8-10 procedures repeated 2-3 times every week. TES therapy resulted in the elimination of the symptoms of enuresis in 73.6% of the patients (compared with 50% in the control group). The mean effective bladder volume in the children of the study group increased by 63.4% compared with 38.8% in controls. The results of analysis of EEG suggest that the frequency of registration of the alpha-rhythms in the study and control groups increased by 23.7% and 6.2% respectively.


Yuriy Raigorodsky



Sergey Sharkov

Research Centre of Children’s Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


Svetlana Urnyaeva

Research Diagnostic Centre of Clinical Psychiatry


Andrey Malykh

Ul’yanovsk State Medical University



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