The individualized programs of hydrotherapy under conditions of a rehabilitation department for the patients presenting with acute disturbances of cerebral circulation




The objective of the present study was to estimate the possibilities and advantages of hydrokinesitherapy based on a small pool and rehabilitation bath and/or a classical hydromassage bath as well as the use of the dry immersion technique in the framework of the programs of comprehensive rehabilitation of the patients presenting with acute disturbances of cerebral circulation. Hydrokinesitherapy with the application of the above equipment ensures the maximum freedom of movements by virtue of gravity loss during immersion of the whole body into the water in the pool or in the hydromassage bath. The freedom of movements, in its turn, makes it possible to perform exercises designed to improve stretching, flexibility, and enhancement of joint range of motion (elimination of contractures and spastic muscular tone). Simultaneously, the possibility arises for educating the patients in motion patterns, keeping balance, equilibrium skills, walking, etc. The application of these methods based at the small rehabilitation department of a city hospital became possible due to the use of innovative equipment having new functional properties and convenient consumer-oriented characteristics.


V. Tetievsky

“TermaStrom Service” Ltd.

отделение реабилитации больных с острым нарушением мозгового кровообращения

A. Kritari

Medical-Sanitary Unit No 33

Department of Rehabilitation of the patients with acute cerebral circulation disorders


版权所有 © Eco-Vector, 2014

