The application of radon baths for the correction of characteristics of the blood lipid spectrum in the patients presenting with chronic cerebral ischemia




Ischemic vascular disorders in the brain develop as a result of atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, and their combination. The early detection of pathological changes in the lipidogram is of paramount importance because it allows to prevent serious vascular complications and prescribe the adequate pathogenetic treatment. The tendency toward chronization and progression of the clinical course of cerebral ischemia as well as high frequency of temporary or permanent loss of working capacity, frequent complications in the form of acute disturbances of cerebral circulation and cognitive abilities necessitates the search for the new methods of prophylaxis and treatment of pathology in question. The authors undertook the present study with the objective to develop and pathogenetically substantiate new modern technologies for non-medicamental therapy of the patients presenting with chronic cerebral ischemia and the correction of disturbances of lipid metabolism. Based on the results of the investigations, the authors arrived at the conclusion that the patients suffering from chronic cerebral ischemia are characterized by the high levels of total cholesterol and “atherogenic” lipoproteides with a concomitant decrease of the levels of “anti-atherogenic” lipoproteides. The proposed combined therapeutic modalities with the use of radon baths and laser therapy make it possible to somewhat normalize the blood lipid profile. The recommendations developed for the rehabilitative treatment of the patients with chronic cerebral ischemia based at a spa and health resort facility permit to prevent further progression of the pathological process and exclude the formation of serious vascular and cognitive changes.


Lyubov' Cherevashchenko

Federal state budgetary institution Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

357501, Pyatigorsk, Russia

I. Cherevashchenko

Federal state budgetary institution Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

357501, Pyatigorsk, Russia

N. Kulikov

Federal state budgetary institution Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

357501, Pyatigorsk, Russia


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