The combined treatment of the children presenting with cerebral ischemia during the perinatal and neonatal periods with the application of the physiotherapeutic methods




Thesis of O.I. Denisova has the objective to estimate the possibility of identification of predictors of the risk of development of cerebral ischemia in the newborn infants, the necessity of prophylactic measures in the perinatal period, and the scientifically-based substantiation of the application of physiotherapeutic techniques, such as general magnetic therapy and hyperbaric oxygenation, for the combined treatment of the children presenting with cerebral ischemia in the perinatal and neonatal periods. The analysis of the results of the study gave evidence of the high effectiveness of perinatal application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy that promotes a significant (by 26.4%) reduction in the probability of the development of cerebral ischemia in newborn infants and the 16.4% and 2.6% decrease in the number of patients with moderately severe and severe forms of the disease, respectively. The introduction of magnetic therapy into the combined treatment of the children with cerebral ischemia accelerates normalization of clinical, laboratory, and instrumental manifestations of the disease; moreover, it significantly (by 18.2%) decreases the number of children suffering retardation of the neuro-psychic development.


O. Denisova


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