Psychopathological syndromes and their role in the formulation of the subjective assessment of the quality of life in the patients during the course of rehabilitative treatment




The attitude of man to his health is strongly influenced by the quality of life that reflects individual perception of various aspects of the everyday life and current events. The accurate assessment of the quality of the patients’ life is an indispensable prerequisite for the successful treatment and rehabilitation. In the present study, the quality of life of the patients admitted to the departments of neurology and orthopedics was evaluated based on the results obtained with the use of the SF-36 questionnaire. The ongoing clinical condition was estimated using the questionnaire for the assessment of the severity of psychopathological signs and symptoms. The study revealed the close relationship between the quality of life and the severity of psychopathic syndromes which suggests the desirability of including psychic correction into the program of combined rehabilitation of the patients presenting with somatic disorders.


A. Kukshina

State healthcare institution “Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, Restoration and Sports Medicine”


A. Kotel’nikova

State healthcare institution “Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, Restoration and Sports Medicine”

E. Turova

State healthcare institution “Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, Restoration and Sports Medicine”

D. Vereshchagina

State healthcare institution “Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, Restoration and Sports Medicine”


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