The potential of the technologies based on the use of ozonotherapy for the rehabilitation of the patients suffering from onychocryptosis after laser surgery




The present study was designed to analyse the results of the examination of 90 patients presenting with an ingrown toenail following the laser-assisted surgical treatment. Fifty five of the 98 patients presenting with this condition had the operative wound treated with the use of ozone therapy and interactive bandages depending on the phase of the wound process. The detailed description of the application of this method is presented. The results of the treatment were evaluated based on the clinical, cytological, and bacteriological data obtained during the study. Specifically, it was shown that the local application of ozone therapy in the form of an ozonated physiological solution, ozone-oxygen gaseous mixture and ozonated oil in combination with UGRO dressings accelerates the wound healing by 4-6 days and exerts a fairly well apparent antibacterial action, reduces the frequency of onychocryptosis, and decreases the occurrence of relapses of this condition. It is concluded that the proposed method demonstrates the higher clinical effectiveness compared with traditional therapy.


A. Lelyanov

State educational institution of higher professional education “Smolensk State Medical Academy”

Kirill Listratenkov

Centre of Laser Surgery



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