The use of magnetic sympathocor-rection for the treatment of vegetative disorders in the children with obesity




The objective of the present work was to study the effectiveness of magnetic therapy for the treatment of vegetative disorders in the children with obesity. The study revealed the disturbances in the function of the vegetative nervous system of all 15 examined children. The parameters measured included BMI, SDS-BMI, and waist circumference. The functional parameters of the vegetative nervous system (BHC) were determined by cardiointervalography (CIG). The psychoemotional status of the patients was evaluated with the help of the “Avtoportret (Self-portrait)” and “Vyyavlenie urovnya trevozhnosti u detei (Detection of anxiety level in the children)” techniques. The obese children were divided into two groups comprised of 30 and 15 patients (the study group and control group respectively). The patients of the study group underwent sympathocorrection (SC) that included the application of electric current evoked by a reversive running alternating magnetic field to the upper cervical ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system. The children of the control group were treated by the placebo physiotyherapeutic procedure (with the turned-off radiating element). All the patients received the hypocaloric diet and were educated in the body weight management school. The treatment program having been completed, the activity of the vegetative nervous system improved in 90% of the children, arterial pressure was normalized in 75%, and appetite impaired in 68%. On the whole, magnetic sympathocorrection made it possible to reduce the number of the children with the high anxiety level and lack of self-confidence. BMI decreased by 12.5% in the study group compared with 12.5% in the control children within 2 months after the termination of therapy. It is concluded that the high effectiveness of magnetic sympathocorrection gives reason to recommend the inclusion of this procedure in the rehabilitative program for the children with obesity.


N. Bolotova

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”


Yu. Raigorodsky



E. Dronova

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”


N. Posokhova

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”



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