The new balneotherapeutic technologies with the use of therapeutic peloid extracts for the treatment of the patients presenting with arterial hypertension




Russia is one of the countries with the high prevalence of arterial hypertension affecting 40% of the population. Optimization of the treatment of this condition remains a major challenge to healthcare services despite a wide spectrum of medicamental and non-medicamental modalities currently available for this purpose. The objective of the present work was to substantiate the use of therapeutic baths containing “Tonus+” salts and develop methodology of such treatment as a component of combined rehabilitative therapy of the patients presenting with hypertensive disease. The study included randomized examination and treatment of 42 patients with stage 1 and II hypertensive disease (mean age 53.8 ± 2.7 years). The patients were allocated to two groups matched for age, gender, and clinical conditions. Group 1 was comprised of 20 patients treated with the application of “Tonus+” baths. Other patients (n = 22) given general soft-water baths constituted the control group. Laboratory studies included hematological and biochemical analyses, functional diagnostic procedures with the use of veloergometer, and psychological diagnostics based on the hospital anxiety-depression scale (HSAD) and the subjective asthenia scale (MFI-20). The results of this study made it possible to develop the method for the rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with stage I and II hypertensive disease with the use of therapeutic baths containing “Tonus+” salts in combination with manual massage and basal hypotensive therapy. It is concluded that combined balneotherapy has positive effect on the main components of pathogenesis of hypertensive disease, improves the adaptive potential of the organism, and enhances the effectiveness of the treatment and the quality of life of the patients.


I. Antipova

Federal state budgetary institution of science “Tomsk Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneotherapeutics” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Medicine


I. Smirnova

Federal state budgetary institution of science “Tomsk Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneotherapeutics” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Medicine


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